Friday, August 27, 2010

Rambling On

Oftentimes a person has no other choice than to pick themselves up and dust themselves off.
That has been my goal today.
My work day finished early, enabling me to take a ramble in the countryside, roll down the windows, and let the wind blow the cobwebs out of my clouded view on life, these past few days.

I actually rode to the cemetery, and sat by Linda's graveside for a little closure. 
The serenity and peacefulness held great healing powers;  I  didn't say goodbye,  instead  a " see you later " slipped from my lips.

This old antique store always makes me smile, with it's endless collections of memorabilia.

There are plenty of old barns dotted around the county, this one still in use.

Bygone signs

Grand old farmhouse

Cedar rail fencing

Timeless beauty

Tobacco barn

Things that made me smile along the way

Man's Testament.

Question not, but live and Labour
Till yon goal be won,
Helping every feeble neighbour,
Seeking help from none;
Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone,
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.

~ Adam Lindsay Gordon
Courtesy of Kipling


donna baker said...

Glad you are out and about, Jo. Things are as they should be.

Penny said...

A nice way to wind down and be yourself.

DJan said...

You have the ability to make my heart soar with some of your posts. This is one.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

There's nothing better than a ride in the country to cure what ails us, Jo.... AND--then to slurp on a big ice cream cone just makes it even better.

I know you have been through so much... Linda is trying to tell you that she is fine --and she wants you to be fine also...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day... God Bless.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the blast from the past, I love that winding road and it is just waht our lives are, following the path and never knowing where it will bend and head in another direction causing us to lose loved ones. hope each day finds your heart more healed than the day before. i so much enjoyed all the photos of things that i remember from my past. i want to sit in those rockers and have a coke in a glass bottle.

Sunny said...

An old pastor/friend of ours had this saying "This, too, shall pass"
Praying you have a blessed day, and rays of sunshine come back into your life today....
Be at peace, my friend.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

What a wonderful post Jo, I feel like I just traveled down that road with you!
Every day life hands us new vistas and we can choose to see them and relish the moment or not, thanks for reminding me that it is much more enriching and rewarding to see the visions before us and hold them dear...
Tina xo

George said...

A ride in the Tennessee countryside does wonders for the spirit and the soul. I hope the beauty you saw remains with you in the days ahead.

John Going Gently said...

I live next to a country graveyard...its so relaxing isnt it?

Patsy said...

Glad you are feeling some better you must think of her each day I know a day does not pass that I don't think of my son. Time will heal
Hugs, Patsy

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

So sorry to learn of the loss of your neighbor and dear friend. Peace to you.

Ramblingon said...

I enjoyed seeing the photos as I too live in the area. I haven't seen those old signs however although I would like to.

I have enjoyed finding your blog and reading it these past several entries. Sometimes, if I have been assisting my kitty with her blog, I'm afraid I will make remarks in yours and others still under her name, Admiral Hestorb, but it's me..Ramblingon. :-) Good to meet you.

Barbara Anne said...

Hi Jo,

There's nothing more restorative than appreciation of the beauty of the everyday things. Your photos are wonderful celebrations of those things and are so picturesque.

Peace be with you.
