Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Morning Surprise

The Morning Glories were planted in the early Summer, and yet despite a show of prolific folliage, sadly NO blooms.

Just when The First Sergeant and I had decided 'that's our lot' for this year, look what we were greeted with this morning...

The vines are bursting with tiny flower heads, and so hopefully in the next few weeks, we'll be once again surrounded in the garden, by a splendid display of Summertime 'blues'....

Was it worth while to paint so fair
Thy every leaf - to vein with faultless art
Each petal, taking the boon light and air
Of summer so to heart?

To bring thy beauty unto perfect flower,
Then, like a passing fragrance or a smile,
Vanish away, beyond recovery's power -
Was it, frail bloom, worth while?

Thy silence answers: "Life was mine!
And I, who pass without regret or grief,
Have cared the more to make my moment fine,
Because it was so brief.

"In its first radiance I have seen
The sun! - why tarry then till comes the night?
I go my way, content that I have been
Part of the morning light!"
~ Florence Earl Coates ( 1850-1927 )


DJan said...

I had the same experience with my crocosmia. Lots of leaves but no flowers. Very disappointing, and I don't think I'm going to have any blooms. So glad for you that those beautiful blues have come to visit!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo!
It's so good to catch up with you again and see your lovely pictures. Morning Glories are one of my favorites but I haven't had any in my gardens for years. I still have tons of seeds that I kept and one day here on the farm I'll plant them along the pasture fence. They took over my trellis back then so I tore them out but here on the farm they can spread all they want along the fenceline! Lovely poem too by the way. I hope you're having a wonderful week...enjoy your late blooming beauties and I'll be back again soon. Take care. Maura :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the fence has rendered me speechless. I love fences and thissone is specttacular in all ways and then to add the glorious glory, OH MY! wonderful to behold

Kay said...

Beautiful morning glories.

Country Gal said...

Thankfuly our Morning Glories are doing wonderful this year , just covered with flowers, so wonderful we have had to prune them every week so they dont choke our other plants . Your pics are lovely

cheshire wife said...

There is something very special about blue flowers.

jerilanders said...

Morning glories are wonderful. They replant themselves in profusion, grow so vigorously as to cover up a multitude of yard sins and come in all colors. We had some lovely blues like yours this year as well. These are lovely. How nice to see the frontal view of your potting shed in the side bar, SWEET!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I also love Morning Glories and want to plant them but it's finding the right spot on the fence where they can be themselves and just take over!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I remember your gorgeous Morning Glory blooms from last year's post I think... The reason I remember them is their COLOR.... It's awesome!!!!! They may be the prettiest blue flowers I've ever seen...

Thanks for sharing them, Jo.

George said...

Isn't the way Nature surprises us wonderful? I hope you have many more blossoms to share with us in the days ahead.

Barbara Anne said...

Beautiful morning glories and I'm so happy more blooms will show their lovely color soon.

Our pole beans have been plagued with blue morning glories for the last month and they're not welcome there!


Bernideen said...

They are wonderful - my second year to try! I have a couple blooms this time from the seeds I planted. Nights are so cool here that things don't grow fast and by the time they grow summer is almost over- Hopeful for next year!