Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here's My Handle, Here's My Spout

I'm not alone, when I say "I love teapots".
I've never met a teapot, I didn't like.
All shapes and sizes, earthenware, and fine bone china.

Some of my favorite teapots are considered collectors' teapots, "themed" from English landmarks, and famous characters. They are James Sadler teapots, and can be quite whimsical in nature.

James Sadler was founded in 1882, and is one of the leading manufacturers of teapots in the UK. It began with James Sadler, who built a factory in Burslem at the heart of the ceramic industry in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. He went on to make a name for himself by making fine earthenware teapots.

I'm always on the look-out for a new teapot to add to the collection.


Sunny said...

What a lovely collection of teapots you have. Tea tastes so much better from a pot rather than a teabag, although I must confess I use a bag most of the time.
☼ Sunny

L. D. said...

They are so wonderfully created. Even an adult could put a little whimsy in tea time and just relax.

Mary Lou said...

My mother at one time collected teapots. You have a nice collection..especially since you're a tea drinker.
Hope you're getting some cool breezes.

Susan Freeman said...

I'm loving those three teapots!!

Susan and Bentley

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its all your fault, my hubby will have to listen to I'm a little teapot all day, when I saw the title i started hummming and singing it. we sung that song for years when I worked in my aunts day care center, they loved it and the hand motions. lovely tea pots

Betsy Brock said...

I have a collection of teapots, too, Jo. They are a beautiful and fun thing to collect, aren't they? I haven't added to my collection in years, though. You make me want to go dust and arrange them! :)

"...when I get all steamed up, hear me shout!..." :)

Country Gal said...

WOW ! I collect tea pots as well ! I like the ones that look like old shops and pubs ! I dont know what it is but I love them !

Country Gal said...

It was my mum that got me interested in them. My parents were Brits ,came to Canada after the war, my father was a British soldier ! hense the spelling of mum lol and not mom lol ! love your blog !

The Retired One said...

I have a lot of teapots, too, but I NEVER use many are packed away....but I am still pining after your gorgeous BLUE and white dishes I see in that photo...hahaaa

Patsy said...

I just love your Teapots. By the way what did Oliver do to poor First Sergeant?lol

Barbara Anne said...

How utterly charming the teapots in your photo are! I've never heard of James Sadler but his teapots are wonderful! Lucky you to have several!

Teapots are near and dear to my heart, too, and I have several that I love.


George said...

These are beautiful teapots. I can understand why you collect them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh what a neat Teapot collection you have, Jo. I would love to see each one of them --in separate pictures sometime. I don't collect them--but love seeing them.


Deb said...

I'm with you there. I have a collection too and boy I do love that Alice In Wonderland teapot you have. It is adorable. I will have to post my collection soon. My favorite tea in my teapots is camomile tea. My grandmother never put soap and water in her teapots to clean them. Only steaming hot water. She said if you added soap no matter how much you rinsed it would ruin the next cup. She was a wise woman so I only use hot water. Enjoy your tea, Hugs, Deb