Sunday, August 8, 2010

Beauty In Flight

" We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever. "
~Carl Sagan


Patsy said...

I know people that flutter like in a excited or confused state.I will take the butterfly over that any day. LOL

karen said...

Beautiful butterfly....I've been seeing quite a few this prettier than the next.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

donna baker said...

So pretty Jo. I hope you still have gardens left. With the extremely high heat and no rain, mine are all but gone. I love summer but not this one.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

It truly puts life into perspective doesn't it Jo?
We seem so small compared with the universe and yet we are held so precious by God.....somehow that thought always makes me feel so special!
Have a wonderful Sunday...
Tina xo

Betsy Brock said...

Gorgeous butterfly...and that quote is a bit sobering, isn't it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is nothing more beautiful than a butterfly on a flower. plain old wonderful

shirley bligh said...

You are lucky to have the butterfly still enough to photograph. What is the name of the flower.

I love the verse as well and wonder where you get all you wonderful verses from

L. D. said...

It is a beautiful swallowtail. I was trying to photograph a monarch and it just fluttered around so freely as if it had not a care in the world.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Benny and Patsy: I run across my share of fluttered people most every day, your correct, take the butterfly ;0

maggie's garden: There seems to be an abundance of beautiful butterflies this Summer, not sure what has made the difference, but I like it !

Donna: Sadly most of the flowers are looking tattered and torn, or is that tattered and worn
Either way, I'm hoping the Morning Glories will soon show their blooms.

Tina Eudora: Thank you for your lovely comments, I hope you are having a pleasant Sunday also !

Betsy: Yes, a sobering quote, yet puts life in perspective.

Sandra: Yes, butterflies and flowers, what could be more simple and wordly ...

shirley bligh: Hi Shirley, the flower is a Rose of Sharon bush, a member of the Hibiscus family. Poems and quotes are a mixture from books, and the internet sites.

L.D.Burgus, yes, they are difficult to capture on camera, flitting about and just when I had the shot hewas off again.

Marilyn said...

Butterflies are my summer happiness. Thanks for sharing yours. I had a new kind in my garden the other day, a very drab gray outside, but when the wings were spread and open it was bright orange. I've never seen one like it and must look it up. I only got a picture of it when the wings were closed. ♥♫

Barbara Anne said...

How glorious! Such moments add magical sweetness to our days if only we see. Ta!


Carol Murdock said...

Jo, you have the most beautiful pictures on the web! They always make me feel so at peace! XOXO

George said...

What a beautiful picture!