Until we meet again.....

Yesterday evening, my faithful and beloved cat Willie left this earth......
He was 19 years old, and his absence has already left a huge hole in the lives of those who were privileged enough to know and love him.
One day in the future, we will all meet at the Rainbow Bridge, to once again be reunited.
Until that day, I will hold your memory close to my heart...
R.I.P. sweet Willie cat.
I have added the story of Willie as an afterpost to the original post. I am just now able to speak of him ;(
Willie and I first met, when he was brought into the veterinarian's office at which I worked, the victim of a Tom-Cat attack.
He had been bitten at the base of his tail, and instead of his owner seeking medical attention, he allowed him to "heal in his own time".
Heal he did NOT.
Instead, dreaded blow-flies had seized the opportunity, and laid their offspring inside the wound,when Willie finally had his chance at seeing a vet, he had suffered terribly, and was paralyzed in his hind quarters.
The owner's told Doc to put him to sleep, they didn't think he could be saved, nor was all the money, needed to be spent on him, worth it.
Boy, were they ever wrong !
Doc , asked if they would be willing to sign him over to us at the clinic, rather than euthanizing him, and they agreed.
Willie cheated death that day, only by the kindness and compassion of a professional, who saw more in him, than a crippled cat, with NO future of ever being perfect.......
But Perfect to us, he WAS !
Day after day, Willie gained back his strength. We would allow him to run around the clinic and exercise his deteriorated muscles, which in time, would carry him at Warp Speed up and down the hallways.
The damage to his spinal cord had left him incontinent, and therefore we were constantly cleaning behind "his drippy faucet", as we called it.
We didn't care how many leaks we had to wipe up, just so long as Willie gained back his strength, and was able to live a happy and comfortable existance.
In turn, he became the "clinic cat", a blood donor when needed, and always fullfilled his obligation, in a gentle manner.
He was a true gentleman.
Many an injured pet, have Willie's life-blood to thank, for their recovery.
In 2006 my veterinarian became ill, and so the practice had to be closed.
This left a dilemma, since we had two cats, and a dog, who permanently lived in the clinic.
I had two cats of my own, and my daughter had six cats, two dogs, and a rabbit. Quite a menagerie between the two of us.
We decided to take the animals from the clinic, and take them home.
Willie still had to live in a huge cage, though daily, we took care of him, spent time with him, walked him on his leash, and gave him all the love and comfort, and old pet deserved.
He was content to sleep most days, arthritis had taken a toll on his little body.
He had lost weight, and I had to have most of his teeth removed, but other than that, he was still the sweet, loving gentleman , he had always been.
We laid him to rest, under the Bluebird house, alongside his fellow kitties, beneath a bed of daffodils.
He will be missed with a passion.......
Farewell my faithful friend >^..^<
Credits: Poem by Paul C. Dahm. Music : Kerry Muzzey. Flash Animation: Terri Pike