Correct me if I'm wrong, but has the Greeting Card Industry gone to the dogs, or is it solely my opinion ?
At one point in my life, I was a Hallmark merchandiser, rotating seasonal gifts and cards in several local stores. It was a job I loved, playing with all those pretty cards and merchandise, and meeting some lovely people in the process.
At the end of the month, if any of the cards, wrapping paper, or candles showed the slightest of fluorescent light damage, I was able to keep them.
To this day, I still have files filled with old cards and boxes of hand-dipped candles.

At Christmas I searched high and low for a decent Grandson and Granddaughter card, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
My choice of greeting cards these days, are usually Hallmark's Marjolein Bastin, a Dutch artist who has an incredible eye for nature's beauty.
You can read more about the artist here:
I miss the old ways.