Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guess Who's Been To Dinner ?

Around the garden, flowers are looking bedraggled, the excessive heat being the culprit.
Several of the old trees are already showing signs of an early Autumn, their leaves yellow and fading.

I've noticed a few of the bushes, their leaves becoming sparser and sparser, and then it became obvious why; not so much the heat, but our resident deer, chomping away merrily.......


DJan said...

Deer need to eat, too! Glad you are feeding them so well, even if it's not what you had in mind... they are so cute!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh how very cute. Hi Jo, I love your new visitors, especially the little one.
An English Girl Rambles

Betsy Brock said...

awww...I bet those deer are thirsty in this heat!

L. D. said...

The animated lawn ornament. The city of Des Moines is surrounded by timber so whole herds of deer can be seen in the city grazing on plants in yards.

Marilyn said...

You have deer--I have grasshoppers!! They all are pests, but yours are cute. And it did feel like fall here on the eastern plains of Colorado the last two mornings! ♥♫

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Jo, YES---this excessive heat and dryness have done a number on the trees and bushes in our area also---in addition to all of the BROWN grass.... It's been hard!!!!! The only way we have kept any of our flowers alive is by WATERING---all summer long.

Our deer are hungry too---and coming into the yard to find what they can find... I love seeing your little fawn... CUTE!!!!

Great pictures.

Patsy said...

No break in the heat here or rain. The deer look good and healthy, just hope they don't do to much damage.

George said...

Your dinner guests are certainly cute. We have similar guests around our yard, but we try hard to keep them from the roses.

Deb said...

I would feel privileged to have a visit from these gorgeous creatures. We see many as we drive about in our area. Lovely photos. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5

Unknown said...

They're beautiful but I wouldn't want them in my garden either!

matron said...

Deer are such beautiful creatures,I am envious of your photographs as we occasionally get a deer in the garden but I have never been able to get it on camera,it is obviously more camera shy than yours.

Unknown said...

Priceless photos. How lucky you are to be in a situation to see those darlings.

Barbara Anne said...

Isn't it lovely to live so close to nature that wild creatures tiptoe into your garden?

We've seen little of the deer who have been our neighbors for 8 years and are concerned by their apparent absence. They may simply be out of sight but still near-by.

Lovely pictures!


The Retired One said...

they get into so much trouble, don't they? We have tons of deer here too, but luckily they don't come to my garden to do damage.

Patsy said...

After I made my comment low and behole a thunder storm came from out of the blue-we got rain and cooler temps

Susan Freeman said...

I'd rather have deer than cougars or bears!

Susan and Bentley

MadSnapper n Beau said...

somehow i missed this post. a charming fence and more than charming guest for dinner. how fun for you, i am jealous.

Andora said...

They are are lucky to have them in your yard...but I know they can be destructive...hopefully they won't do much damage

Winifred said...

Fancy having having Bambi in your garden. What a treat even if he eats your trees!

Rebecca said...

Wanna trade a deer for one of our moles????

What strikingly beautiful photos these are!

Anonymous said...

I love your photos.

Stella Jones said...

So much for deer being shy! They obviously feel very at home in your yard!

shirley said...

They are beautiful creatures, but my daughter was turned off gardening after they ate all her veges. Being a newcomer to Houston she was not aware of the damage they could do.