Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Where The Garden Begins

The Shed..

"In the potting shed, our hearts, the pleasures of home, and the glories of the garden merge.
Its practical character eases our garden labors.
Its romantic nature enriches our lives.
Here is peace, and beauty, and a sense of purpose."

~Linda Joan Smith : The Potting Shed


Rebecca said...

Oh, Oh! Be still my heart! I have a "thing" for small, rustic sheds...

This one is SO charming.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo,
Oh how I love potting sheds...especially ones like this one. I have a potting shed but it's attached to the chicken coop and is very large.'s old and has character. The writing by Linda Joan Smith says it all. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday...Maura :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wish we had a potting shed.... We have to use our garage---and it is a MESS......

Great picture....

Debbie Taillieu said...

So quaint and peaceful! Such a beautiful blog. I am looking forward to more!

Michelle Palmer said...

Your blog is a JOY!
Wishing you all the best~


shirley said...

I love all your wonderful verses, where do they come from. I would love to have a potting shed like that although with my luck it would end up a haven for snakes and spiders....yuk

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hubby has no potting shed, but he does pot, he has boards sitting against the fence on 5 gallon buckets and grows all kinds of wonderful things. the shed is verypretty

Barbara Anne said...

How charming!

We have a potting shed but it stays damp and we plan to install two small turbinators so it will dry out. I hope it will then be a place where our hearts, the pleasures of home, and the glories of nature can merge!


Stella Jones said...

Hear hear to that and I can't get through the week without listening to 'Gardeners' Question Time on the BBC either!
Happy Gardening!
Blessings, Star

Susan Freeman said...

Absolutely charming!!

Susan and Bentley

Pam said...

Beautiful and homey as usual!

DeniseinVA said...

I would enjoy walking the path to your potting shed Jo, it is a perfect little haven. Lovely words too.
An English Girl Rambles

Martha said...

I love the poem --

And I love my small potting hed -- it's perfect for Linderhof's garden!

And I love the blue and white too -- it's a passion of mine as well -- there is something about blue and white dinner ware.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Reminds me of our workshop! I set out to make it charming and it is! Even J loves it :)

Thanks for another lovely post...
xo, misha

Don Wood said...

I used to love being able to goto the shed ALAS no more

Stacie Shepp said...

Love your site! Beautiful pics. Wanted to invite you to join a website we started called the founders are Lisa and Tom Finerty who are ExPats of the USA. :) Hope you can check it out! Stacie