Over the years I have collected several of these timeless treasures, albeit reprints and not originals.
I could spend hours wandering around an art exhibit of Old Masters, and greatly admire the talent and dedication it takes to create such a Masterpiece.
Several years ago The Walter Langley exhibit was on display in my hometown. I spent all afternoon amidst the paintings, studying those faces of English working-class people doing what they did so naturally.........living, and working.

Love the pictures of these paintings. They are wonderful and I'm so glad to see them.
Blessings to you,
I like getting ready and pigeons, ducks and rabbits.
They are all wonderful but the Mom and cradled child is my fav !
There is somethign almost photgraphic about the first pic with the baby in the cradle. I like that one.
I have the same taste in pictures as you, I think. I loved all of those, especially the first one. I'd love to have that on my wall. Oh! the memories that conjures up....give me back those times, please.
Blessings, Star
My favorite Victorian paintings are those with animals. Whenever I have tried to buy them on eBay, they are usually too expensive. I'd love to find prints of them.
something so warm and inviting in the paintings depicting the Victorian era, a much physically harder but simpler time.
Oh, I'm breathless...My favorite is Guarding the Kittens. Just beautiful.
Thank you for a lovely post!
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