The First Sergeant had taken most of the existing landscaping up earlier this Spring, it was old and tired looking.
Our intentions were to replenish before the warm weather came along, unfortunately, that did not happen.
It's not a good choice to plant new shrubs in the heat of Summer, but we have to start somewhere, and finding these lovely Emerald Green Arborvitae at Lowes for a fraction of the cost, we took that step.
They are suppose to "screen" and grow to a height of fifteen feet, perfect !
The Creeping Jenny is taking over the rocks around the pond. This will be the third time I have pruned it back so far this Summer.
The Butterfly Bush continues to bloom, it's alive with the bees and their getting naughty....
No Rain in the forecast, maybe a 20% chance this weekend, we need it.
Jo, you are so brave. Keep me posted about the aborvitae. I haven't had such good luck in my little corner of the world. Make sure and keep well watered and mulch heavily around the base, not only for the water retention but to cool their little 'feet'.
Jo, three years ago, we planted two Arborvitae trees/shrubs in our front yard, in the middle of summer and it was a hot one.
Not only did they survive, they have thrived and grown at least two feet over the past two years. Their width has also increased in diamater. I am a huge fan of those! They are beautiful!
Best of luck!
Yes you are brave Jo. They look lovely so hope they do well. That butterfly bush is colossal. Mine is getting tall but still has no flowers on it. I have to cut it back every year or it falls over.
I'm no gardener though. I do a bit but the soil is so heavy & my husband hates gardening. It's as much as he'll do to cut the lawn.
We need a new jet wash to clean the brick patio and drive, the old one is broken and the place is a terrible mess. My job to clean those, he never gets around to it!
We are forecast rain tomorrow. We aren't getting that heatwave that's in London at the moment, but it's warm enough for me here!
It sure doesn't LOOK hot! It looks gentle and inviting. Good luck with your plants.
We are looking at some sunny weather that should bring us into the 80s by the weekend. Hope I'll be able to stand it...
Hi Jo, I'm surprised to hear that your temperatures are still hot in your area. We have really nice and mild temps this week--and very little humidity. The past couple of days have been perfect (highs in low 80's and lows in high 50's)...
When you all work in the yard ---I'll come over and enjoy your gorgeous porch!!!!!! Okay???? ha ha
Jo....with your sweet touch, they will thrive!
They will do good with your loving touch. Water, water.
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