This is the dried -wreath's " home."
Hanging from the door of the sharecropper's pantry-cabinet.
The cabinet is unique, in the fact that it has hinged side panels, which allow the cabinet to fold flat. The top lifts off, and the drawer pulls out, enabling it to be transported by horse and wagon to the next farm, or place of employment in the fields.
The sharecroppers used it to store their pantry goods, and carried it to each new location.
Today the Butterfly Bush is in bloom, and buzzing with bees and butterflies, oh and the odd hornet.
It's hot and humid and just started pouring down with rain here. How is on the other side of TN?
Patti Cakes: Would welcome the rain here, it's hot and humid !
Tomorrow hotter and more humid :)
LOVE LOVE the cabinet. That is gorgeous!!
FREE PAINT OFFER ~ this is legit!
We are FINALLY getting some heat, 2&1/2 mns. of record rains here.
TTFN ~Marydon
I am loving that dried wreath!
It is sweltering here in Indiana!
Oh Jo---I love that cabinet. Just think of the history there... AND--it is SO pretty!!!! You have a real prize!!!!
The Butterfly Bush is also so pretty. I'm sure your bees and butterflies are happy!!!!
Seen any hummingbirds??? I have NOT.
Pastor Sharon; Oh my, what will we do when August and September months hit, I'm afraid we'll melt :)
Betsy: We have enjoyed that piece of history, for some thirty years now.
NO hummingbirds, I've just about lost hope.
We have rumblings in the sky...maybe rain?
Your butterfly bush is very impressive. I can only imagine that it attracts many butterflies and bees. That's a neat sharecropper's cabinet that you have.
I have never seen a cabinet that folds flat. It looks beautiful. I can only wish for rain. It's been in the 100's for a couple of weeks now. I'm spending my evenings watering.
Yes, an impressive butterfly bush, to say the least.
You are such a natural at crafts. Do you do it to make money? I think you would.
Its been hot and humid up here in the north, too. But we had rain last night and rain as I type and it feels so cool out.
You've got a lot of pretty things in that cabinet, Jo. The wreath looks good on the side there too.
I've still not seen any humming birds on my feeder.
Blessings, Star
Never mind the wreath...Ooooo....I love those blue and white dishes inside the cupboard. And heck, I'll take the cupboard too.
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