Mama squirrel is on a mission

She's out to rescue her baby from the clutches of Mr. Playful.....

Mama squirrel is in NO mood to play, she's means business.....

Mission accomplished
Moma and baby home safe..... the look on Mr. Playful's face.....PRICELESS.
Oh my goodness that is hysterical. Used to have a cat that would tussle with the squirrels. It would be in a tall pine that would whip around with them fighting. Carla
OMG, what fantastic photos! So glad the little squirrel's mommy rescued him and you're right, the look of Mr. Playful's face is an award winner!!!
That is so cute.
Adorable! So glad mom and child reunite... :)
What awesome pictures and an opportunity that's rare! Thanks for showing us and have a great weekend!
Wow. . . I didn't start breathing again until I saw all the pictures! That is truly priceless. . .
Hi Jo, yesterday I heard a commotion while sitting on the back porch. I looked west and Teddy the cat was chasing a tiny baby spotted fawn across the yard in back of me. The little fawn kept bumping into the fence trying to get away and finally did go into the woods. Teddy the deer chaser? I never saw a cat do that before.
I hope your dog didn't get bitten too badly. Mama squirrel didn't know he was just playing!! Oh dear, what a calamity. Hope all was well that ended well!
You captured these moments just so well! Credit to you.
Blessings, Star
Hi Jo, This is such a great story... Mr. Playful had no idea that Mama Squirrel meant business. CUTE-CUTE-CUTE...
Have a great Sunday.
How neat to catch this story in pictures! So cute.
Jo, I visited a virtual tea party today and had such fun I wanted to extend an invitation to you for tea on my porch.
Hope you'll drop by. All are invited.
Excellent shots. You're right, that look is priceless.
My you were quick off the mark with the camera! Great pictures.
Cool. I like squirrels.
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