Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Cat said...

Caption 1. Hmm. Dinner.

Caption 2. Uh, oh...

Excellent pics.


DJan said...

I wonder which one will blink first! :-) Great shots, I must say!

Sharon said...

I wonder what Oliver would do if he actually caught that cute little squirrel?


Christine said...

That's just too cute! I don't think Oliver would want to tangle with a squirrel; they might be little but they can be feisty.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Did Oliver caught the little squirrel ?

Carol said...

What great photos! Thanks for sharing. I hope your doing well.
Love, Carol B.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Wong Ching Wah ; No he didn't catch the squirrel, I was standing at the kitchen sink this morning, when I saw the squirrel watching me form the porch beams :)

Unknown said...

There's going to be a high speed chase me thinks.

Martha said...

Great shots -- we enjoy the antics of our squirrels -- alas, they are fearless of our dog once they realized that he couldn't climb trees -- they'll continue to eat even if he is out and about!

Country Gal said...

The squirrels always tease our dog Miggy, our cat Harley doesnt take notice of them but when Harley sees birds out side she crys like a banchy and swaps her tail around shes an indoor cat!
Nice photos
Have a great day.

Barbara Anne said...

We also enjoy the antics of the squirrels in springtime. Too funny and oh, to have that energy!

Great photos!


Cat Mandu said...

My cat, Mandu, loves squirrels, too. Things got a little lively when one came down the chimney last year. We both chased him out an open bathroom window!

Jill said...

I love to watch the squirrels. They always seem to have fun at whatever they are doing.

Mary Lou said...

Patience is a virtue!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

smiling now, really big...

Stella Jones said...

Squirrels are so pretty, aren't they. They look a bit like little bears. Then again, cats are beautiful too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute pictures, Jo.... I'm sure that Oliver would love to get outside and chase that little squirrel.... They are definitely giving each other the 'look'... ha

Steven Cain said...

Squirrels, birds, rabbits... they don't bat an eye at me, my cat or Dog anymore.

Anonymous said...

Baron (the dachshund) does this only not quietly...bark, bark, bark...and the squirrel or rabbit decides he's no threat and go on about their business. LOL Very nice photos!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh this is absolutely delightful!
I'm afraid if our doggy were there, he would not be sure which little creature to stalk!

Lovely post.

Our Dion thanks you for the Happy Birthday wishes! He had a lovely day, with treats and very good naps.

All the best -- Cass

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Oh yes...I recognize that look! There are 5 pairs of eyes watching the squirrels here on the farm. Some of those little fur balls are gutsy enough to test their flight skills with our hunters..even to the point of teasing them! Some of those eyes are hiding in wait and others are just plain fast with a capital F. So far so good for the squirrels. It certainly is good entertainment for everyone. I hope your day is a sunny one.
Maura :)