The Bluebird boxes have already shown activity of feathering and nesting, as have the little Carolina Wren houses and the Robins nests. It's all so exciting.

"Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art."
~ Izaak Walton
I would rather have that old door knob without that sparkling attachment ...
It shouldn't be too long now, maybe in a week or two! I bought a new feeder, still not sure where to hang it. This cold, rainy weather has got to quit sometime!
Wong: The sparkling attachment is an old crystal doorknob, I'm afraid the shot makes it look this way.
Sharon: I think it is to warm back up in a few days, I won't bet money on it :)
I wish you could tell me what birds belong to the (new to my ears) birdsongs here :) Love the rustic birdhouse XOL
Always best to be ready for whenever our feathered friends come...I miss the bluebird house my son put in our yard in Virginia so Don could see the bluebirds from his bed. He loved to watch the birds...I had a hummingbird feeder hanging directly outside his window. And the bird feeders were a little bit further away but he could see the Goldfinches particularly well. A precious memory thanks for reminding me!
You certainly ARE prepared. It's going to be so much fun for you to see all of those little treasures flit through.
Our Hummers and Oriels wont be here till late May early June. I cant wait till they all come back. Papa and I love to listen to the cds called SOLITUDES recorded and developed by a Canadian man that took the company over after his father whom was the founder passed away. it has nature sounds there are cds with just all kinds of song birds, Loons, wolves and so on and some are to classical music we love them . Lovely post and photo, your music on your blog is wonderful. Have a good day !
so this is new to me, a bird hose with antique door knob and a key. love the little house, hope the residents show up soon
Isn't it wonderful when the birds return?! I put small skinny off-cuts of cotton fabric (from my quiltmaking) out in the shrubs in the springtime and have found old nests with my cotton woven in!!
A similar old glass knob from my grandmother's house is on the desk in our living room. I love how it sparkles and causes light to dance around the room.
The hummers are beginning to return to Washington state, and my sister in Florida said she has seen some coming there, too! You should see them soon...
a door knob as a perch
how clever
Oh how I wish we had early hummingbirds. Ours don't arrive until the summer. We do have Carolina wrens and they are so cute and have such big voices to be so tiny. Hope you're having a nice week. Spring was here and left, but we have dogwoods in bloom even though it's in the 40s.
What a beautiful old doorknob Jo! Be sure to check my post tomorrow to see my doorknob photos from TN.
The little hummers are showing up very well here so shouldn't be long til they reach you too.
That doorknob will have them thinking they are entering a palace. It's gorgeous.
Yes, we do have some beautiful buildings in this little town. I'll be photographing more throughout the Spring. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
I love to end my evening blog time with your site. It is so peaceful and soul nourishing. Thank you.
As a lover of birdhouse with many, I have never seen one like this! I LOVE IT!
Have a fabulous day!
Debbie's Travels
I love that doorknob. What a wonderful way to welcome your friends!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
You have got a lovely blog and I love England and everything related to it, so I will follow you to learn more things about England and about Tennessee as well! Regards and pleased to meet you,
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