Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Through Bare Trees

"Through bare trees
I can see all the rickety lean-tos
and sheds, and the outhouse
with the half-moon on the door,
once modestly covered in
summer's greenery.

Through bare trees
I can watch the hawk perched on a distant branch,
black silhouetted wings
shaking feathers and snow,
and so can its prey.

Through bare trees
I can be winter's innocence,
unashamed needfulness,
the thin and reaching limbs
of a beggar, longing to touch
but the hem of the sun."

~ Lisa Lindsey, Bare Trees


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem!♥

ps...for some reason feeling very grateful for indoor plumbing! ;-D

Barbara Anne said...

Our woods look just like this picture and I never tire of feasting my eyes on the beautiful simplicity. The wonderful poem puts you right there!

Our treetops are beginning to get the baby leaf haze!


Country Gal said...

Lovely post and photo.
I like your photos for your header.
How and what program did you use to get your photos into a mini collage ! Have a great day !

Unknown said...

Beautiful poem! I feel this way too, looking through bare trees! It looks so much more fragile and exposed!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful and i would love to wander in and out through those trees.

Stella Jones said...

It is just amazing how much we can see through the bare trees. It's the same here and Millie sees it all too. She can see all the neighbourhood cats who come a-calling.
Lovely picture Jo and I enjoyed your poem.

Christine said...

Love the poem! Won't be long and those lovely trees will be putting on their new green finery for us to admire.

Sharon said...

Good Morning, Jo! Nice poem.

I have found daffodils! Mine have been obliterated, but I saw tons of their bright yellow heads, shining in the sun yesterday on my way to the doctor's.

George said...

This is a wonderful poem, and your picture is perfect for it.

Carol said...

Great poem! Being able to see everything through the trees is one of my favorite things about winter. I love the little brown ash trees that hold thier leaves for so long.
Love, Carol B.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love this verse...It fits my day so well because as I was sitting in traffic this evening I looked through the trees and noticed an old cemetary nestled in the trees...It looked so sad and lonely

Jen said...

Thanks for sharing the poems. I always love the picture you have accompany them. So perfect.

Susan Freeman said...

It's amazing ~ in a couple of months this stand of trees will come to life and the whole scene will be completely transformed. As many springs as I have lived through, I am still in awe.

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Unknown said...

The photo and the poem fit so nicely.
Great blog.