Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pay It Forward

I have always been amazed by the wonderful friends we meet through this craze called blogging.
Words of encouragement, sympathy, and an overall feeling of camaraderie.
The sort of people I would enjoy sitting down and sharing a pot of tea with.

A sweet fellow blogger, who I visit with most days to enjoy her spectacular photographs, had read my post about collecting Royal Albert Old Country Rose china.
She had contacted me by e-mail a few days ago, asking if I had a teapot to go along with my dinnerware.
I replied "I do, but it's the everyday teapot, not the more elegant one, I have seen available."
Christine told me she had bought herself that elegant teapot version, with future plans of adding more of the pieces.
Now several years later, she still just owns the teapot, and would like to offer it as a gift, to be enjoyed alongside my own collection.

The teapot arrived yesterday, all sparkling and new, and as pretty a piece as I have ever saw.
I have placed it in my kitchen for the time being, within gazing distance.
That kindness just made my day.

I am truly amazed at random acts of kindness, and have an enormous faith in humanity.
Just last week, whilst working at the Spay and Neuter Clinic, an elderly lady showed up to have her dog spayed, she thought it was a free service.
A gentleman standing next to her who had just had his own pet altered, randomly paid for the lady's pet's surgery.
I confess to wanting to hug his neck.

We need more random acts of kindness in today's society, I for one will be paying it forward.
Thank you dear Christine, I will forever treasure your beautiful gift.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful gift!!!

I too have been the recipient of kind bloggers and others who have been so kind...Like you, I look for the chance to 'pay it forward' as well!

Country Gal said...

That is soo nice of her. When we go to the antique stores or the trift stores we see alot of these tea pots and cups and saucers. I collect the cottage ones or the ones that look like pubs and little shops. My mum had a few tea pots and sets she brought over from England and one set did look like the one on your post. They are lovely, we are tea granny'S here nothing better then a cup of tea! Have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

What a generous gift, not only for its beauty but also for the generous heart of the lady who gave it. Blogging has opened us up to lots of kindness from others. It restore's one's faith in humanity.

Deb said...

I can see that you are very happy to receive this gift but I bet the giver is even happier. That's how it seems to work if it is given with love. Enjoy your tea from this lovely pot. Wish I could join you.

Unknown said...

What a lovely gift! I think to see someone truly happy with something we ourselves can part with is a great
show of generosity and sweetness of the heart!
And to receive it graciously as wonderful!
Enjoy this fabulous gift!
To many more cups of tea!
Love to sit down with you!

George said...

The world would certainly be a much more pleasant place if there were more random acts of kindness.
The teapot is beautiful.

Frank's Corner said...

Reading your post made my day! What a lovely and generous act of kindness and beauty! This spirit of loving kindness and generosity is traveling around the world through the sacred and magical!

Custom Comforts said...

What a sweet and touching story. Thank you for sharing your blessing with us today as it warms my heart.

Stella Jones said...

How lovely of her and I know you will get a lot of pleasure out of it. Wouldn't it be nice if we were all so generous? Instead of hoarding our treasures, if we could share around what we don't need.

John Going Gently said...

I have had a few such gifts and the generosity of people never fails to impress

Sharon said...

What a lovely gift from a true friend! I guess everyone else has said what I would have. It's the random acts of kindness that makes our days brighter and it is fun, to pay it forward!

Have a great day!

Barbara Anne said...

There is still so much goodness in the world!

What a lovely gift Christine gave you from her generous heart!

What a needed gift that gentleman gave the elderly lade from his generous heart!


roxie said...

Christine had a teapot that made her happy, but it was lonely. You had a good home for it, so Christine sent it to you. Now the teapot is happy and you are happy which makes Christine double happy. Then you shared the story with us and The happy just grows and grows! And since we're happier now, we will spread it around. This is like a good bread-starter. The further you share it, the better.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh how wonderful...on all accounts! And yes, that is an elegant teapot!

Marilyn said...

Joy and kindness, when shared, multiplies! ♥♫

Louise said...

Such a wonderful kindness. Both the teapot and the neutering, lol. Sometimes we forget, in the torrent of bad news about bad people, that those kinds are far, far outnumbered by the good and kind ones.

Patsy said...

What a sweet and thoughtful blogger.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i have to confess these two stories made me tear up. this is such a great pick me up post. fantastic. Pay it Forward is one of my most favorite movies. the teapot is gorgeous

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Good Morning Jo!
What a wonderful teapot! I have never collected this particular pattern but I love it and what a beautiful shape it has. That was a very nice thing for your blogging friend to do. I agree the world needs more random acts of kindness and that gentleman who paid for the elderly lady's pet to be 'altered' was a wonderful example. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Maura :)

Doc said...

What an uplifting post. I love reading about such generosity among people. Mamabug you are an angel. I have one cherished Royal Albert cup that I brought with me from England many a year ago and still have my morning "wake me up" from it. Have a fantastic weekend.

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely fantastic thing to do...and it is a gorgeous teapot...what lovely teas you can have now! I thank her too for being a kind and generous individual!

BeautifulDees said...

How wonderful...I also love that kind of china. I love your blog, I havent been by for awhile, look's like your still blogging beautiful thing's...thank's for sharing...I would love to got to your lovely home any day and have a pot of tea with you.

Richard Lawry said...

What a lovely post. Imagine a world where acts of kindness like these were the norm instead of noteworthy.

An Arkies Musings

L. D. said...

Sharing something that one knows will make someone else so happy is what it is all about. That is a beautiful set and now more complete than ever.