Friday, March 11, 2011


Somebirdy has been very, very busy.

Oh, there's music in the forests
And there's music in the glen,
As the birds are warbling greetings
To the spring that's come again.
All their piping is so merry
That the woodlands seem to ring,
With the praises of the birdsongs
For the coming of the spring.
Join the joyous woodland chorus
And raise high your voice in cheer,
Join the birdsongs in thanksgiving
For the springtime of the year!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

nice little nest and that pretty old bird barn.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Looks like you will have the perfect vantage point to see the chicks when they're hatched.

Christine said...

What a neat nesting box, is it for birds or chickens?

Country Gal said...

Love the photo and poem ! Have a great day !

Sharon said...

Cute little bird home! I wonder what lives there?

I'm sure you have noticed all the birds, singing in the morning and it almost sounds like some of them are having little arguments or tweeting out instructions and information! It does sound like Spring is finally on it's way in the door!

Have a good evening!

Babs said...

Pretty little green bird house, but has someone been "redecorating"... perhaps a squirrel? Love that shade of green. Our birds are looking for nesting spots too and chirping away. Have a good weekend.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Beautiful words...

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Mama-Bug: The birdhouse is an old bluebird box, originally from Maine. I think it has been gnawed at by squirrels or some other critter :)

Deb said...

I love the poem. I am so ready for Spring. Can't wait to see who is in that little nest.

Anonymous said...

Love the words and the nifty bird house!

Barbara Anne said...


The great outdoors is noisy this time of year, isn't it?!


Unknown said...

I love the blue bird box. At first I could not tell if it was a blue bird box or duck box. Duck boxes have an oval shaped entry. I have about 4 blue bird boxes in various stages of repair, and one in service.

Carolina Mountains said...

That looks promising. We cleared a pine tree away from our bid box and some blue birds were checking it out!

George said...

It's nice to see that the birds are busy making nests. Perhaps Spring is near after all.

Karen said...

Ah, yes! Birdsongs and nests! We have a hummingbird nest in our yard. what a cool bird house. Better get mine out of the shed. blessings on your day.

Karen said...

May I hop in again and thank you for the beautiful photos along your sidebar? Of course, the words are wonderful, too. Gonna have a look around your blog.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

That looks like a well loved and well used bird house Jo. I love this time of year when the birds are starting to nest and the males are singing for thier sweet hearts...sigh. It's been a long old winter and I can't wait to get out and start on that shade garden inside the picket fence. First dear hubby has to finish the bathroom he just tore a part before he can head outside to finish the picket fence. Poor man. ;) Ahhh Spring!
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Maura :)