Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lavender And Linen

I don't think a day goes by, without I burn a candle.
There is something so relaxing and welcoming, about the fragrance and flicker of a burning candle.
I found a wonderful candle a few days ago, in my favorite grocery store Publix. A combination of Lavender and Cedarwood, in a soy wax blend.
The scent is heavenly.

I 'spect I've had a little spending spree lately, since I also bought six beautiful, vintage-linen napkins off eBay. They arrived yesterday, all crisp and pretty, the embroidered pattern, even
lovelier than expected.

"ladies fair, I bring to you
lavender with spikes of blue;
sweeter plant was never found
growing on our english ground."
~ Caryl Battersby


Sunny said...

I love vintage linens. I have some treasures that were my dear MIL's.
Lavender and Cedarwood sounds delightful.
☼ Sunny

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Oh Jo those napkins are beautiful...what a great find for you! I love cloth napkins but the fancy linen ones are gorgeous. Wish blogs could pass along scents...I can only imagine what your home must smell like when you burn this candle. Enjoy! Have a wonderful day....Maura :)

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

That candle sounds so incredible. I love lavender and who doesn't love cedar?
I light a candle every night here too, as a remembrance of those not present.
Have a sweet evening...
Tina xo

Deanna said...

This candle scent sounds wonderful...will have to be on the look out for some!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful words and photo, Jo... I can almost smell that lavender... I LOVE the smell of lavender. I also love candles!!!!

That linen is beautiful ... My mother used to have some pretty ones.


DJan said...

You deserve to have pretty things, and I am so lucky to get to share them with you, too. I love the linens, and I hope you enjoy them along with your wonderful candles. You sure know how to create a mood.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have a wonderful talent for arranging vigninettes (mispelled) you know exactly how to stage things so they are maximum beautiful. I love candles also. but am allergic to most of them. berries and vanilla I can take and do. i don't burn them like i used to because of our dog Jake who is super curious about everything. all candles must be high in the sky to protect him. I like burning them in the kitchen to get rid of cookig odors. I keep apple pie candles on the counter and stove for that.

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh lavender, one of my fav's.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely! My current candle is peach!


Susan Freeman said...

Lovely napkins Jo!! I too love the scent of lavender. We have a swamp cooler and the other day I added lavender essential oil to the pads of the cooler and the scent of lavender filled the cottage. Wonderful!!

Susan and Bentley

Barbara said...

I love candles too, especially Lavender ones but they affect my eyes and throat.

George said...

We often have at least one candle burning during cooler weather, but usually not when it's as hot as it has been lately. I'm glad your eBay purchase turned out to be even better than you expected.

Shine said...

Ahhhhhh,lavender and linens...two of my most favorite things ever!! Lavender and cedarwood...ummmmm.....One of my most favorite candles is Votivo's St. Germain Lavender....sooooo special.

Miriam said...

Just popped by to thank you for your visit to Mucky Boots. What a feast for the eyes your blog is - one stunning photo after another!

Lavender always reminds my of my grandmother, who put lavender sachets in every drawer, and used lavender soap and lavender perfume. I grew up in very urban environments, and remember being astounded as a young adult when I visited a friend in London and he had lavender growing in his garden - how lucky he was, I thought, to be able to breathe in that scent whenever he wanted. Now I live surrounded by lavender plants of many different varieties, and it still feels miraculous to me!