Saturday, July 24, 2010

For The Birds

There is something about birdhouses that tug at my heart strings.
I just can't seem to say NO.
They are scattered about the porches, in the garden, in the kitchen, and generally all over.
Some of them are well-used by expectant parents returning year after year, to raise their young. Others just for decoration.

The First Sergeant is looking forward to retirement days, he has birdhouse-building plans in mind, to idle away the hours.
As 'Martha' would say....."It's a good thing."

A Victorian Charmer

Country Primitive

In The Potting Shed

Country Cottage Gourd
"Those little nimble musicians of the air,
that warble forth their curious ditties,
with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art."
~ Izaak Walton


Sunny said...

Your collection of birdhouses is wonderful. I have a few of my own but I don't think they compare to yours. The gourd is really adorable.
☼ Sunny

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Jo, I love them too.... ALL of your pictures are tremendous!!!!! But---I guess I'm partial to the first one, the church... I absolutely love that one the most.

Thanks for sharing... I hope your hubby will make some someday.

DJan said...

they are just wonderful! I love them all, and I can see the little birdies in my mind, coming and going.

DJan said...

they are just wonderful! I love them all, and I can see the little birdies in my mind, coming and going.

Teresa said...

Your blog is so charming...I really enjoy the pictures of your birdhouses. So beautiful and I Love your hospitality for God's creation!

shirley said...

Just Love your birdhouses they are wonderful.

Jeannette StG said...

They're ALL yours?? Birdhouses are a serious temptation for me! Love 'em all:)

matron said...

Your collection of bird houses is enchanting.I am glad some of them are used,I have not seen any like this here.
The poem in your last post was lovely,I recall reading it once before and had forgotten it,thanks for the reminder.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

That little gourd one just took my breath away, wow I could live in there it's so pretty!
Have a super weekend!
Tina xo

Barbara Anne said...

What a delightful variety of birdhouses! My favorite is the cottage gourd.

A previous owner here used one simple pattern for numerous birdhouses, painted the same with red fronts and blue-green sides. They peek out from many tree trunks and are such a delightful sight. We have made more by the same pattern and have repaired the old ones.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are wonderful. my favorite is the church, first one I have ever seen. these are works of art

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a beautiful collection!! I love them, and they remind me that I should and need to do something with the ones I have packed away.

George said...

I'm very impressed with your birdhouse collection. You have some beautiful houses for the bird families.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Cool bird houses.

Darryl and Ruth : )

LHA said...

They are so lovely!