Wednesday, September 28, 2011

View From My Window

Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.

~William Cullen Bryant


matron said...

I love the photo of the blue flower,such a deep blue.
The mist and fog has set in here,so I have not taken many photographs recently,hoping for some sunshine in October.

Merisi said...

Gorgeous views! The garden's still holding on to summer's green finery. Autumn with its paintbrush laden with reds and golds will arrive soon enough!

Your garden and the trees beyond the gate make me feel nostalgic for my old home in the USA.

Coincidentally, my post is also about views from my windows, albeit much more of a very urban garden.

Love the music, thank you! :-)

Gerry Snape said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous post...what a wonderful view you have. Thankyou!

George said...

I really like the views from your window. Autumn is truly a wonderful season of the year.

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos. Have a good day !

Sharon said...

Wow, the turkey visitors that you have! Really pretty pictures. Have a good day!

DJan said...

Lovely pictures, as usual. I always feel so calm after coming to your place. :-)

Bernideen said...

I see wild turkeys like that as i travel across Kansas into Missouri. Your photos are so lovely!

Terry said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

and you will know the wind directions all the time !

Unknown said...

I love all the photos,but the silhouetteof the wind mill is my favorite.

Christine said...

They're all lovely! I love seeing the wild turkeys feeding.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, I just adore your views!!!

God bless and have yourself a terrific Thursday sweetie!!! :o)

Susie Swanson said...

I love them all especially the blue flower.. Hope you have a great weekend..Susie

Stella Jones said...

Yes, surely but certainly, we put the garden to bed. Today we have very hot temperatures in England, but I was determined to life the geraniums and put them snugly in their pots for the winter. Trouble is, with Dylan's things filling the back room, I now have nowhere for the geraniums to go!
Love your pictures today.

L. D. said...

You have wild turkeys down there too. Your photos are wonderful and the rains did give you some great green colors.