Monday, September 5, 2011

Cooling Rain

A break in the heat
away from the front
no thunder, no lightning,
just rain, warm rain
falling near dusk
falling on eager ground
steaming blacktop
hungry plants
turning toward the clouds
cooling, soothing rain
splashing in sudden puddles
catching in open screens
that certain smell
of summer rain

~ Summer Rain : Raymond A Foss


Linda Jennings said...

The cool rain has been a welcome relief today in Kentucky!

Louise said...

I felt refreshed just reading that.

Country Gal said...

Lovely post . It got chilly enough today to put the woodstove on . Love the smell of a woodstove or bonfire ! Have a wonderful eve.

DJan said...

Ahhh! Summer rain. Right now we are in a sunny period, but I sure know whereof you speak.

Sharon said...

Sure is pleasant, isn't it?
I'm only saying it because it's a new thing. After 2 weeks of it, I would be ready for warm weather again! :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely post! Rain is on the way here too. It's been muggy over the last couple of days, it will be welcome.

Rebecca said...

Ahhhhhhhh. I almost smelled it & felt it touch my outstretched palm as I read your apt words.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Jo you're so lucky to be getting rain. We're loosing tree's and our poor lilac groves are suffering terribly. Our water pressure is down again so we have to be careful how much we water so I haven't been able to give them what they need. We're doing much better than two farms near us that had groves out has lost all of the lilacs and the other has lost close to what looks like 3/4's of their grove. I hope your weather is cooler than it has been...we're enjoying cooler temps of around 80 during the day and 50 overnight. FINALLY!!! I hope your weekend was a good one...have a great week!
Maura :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Ohhhh your post is so beautiful.
I sit here with the moon looking in my window and a nice breeze outside, and I think of your sweet rain

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful and we have wonderful rain today, it is raining hard a while and soft a while and no fireworks or loud noise. i am looking out the front window while i blog and the plants are waving their arms in joy

Unknown said...

Your words describe a calm scene. Refresjing.

jerilanders said...

Oh, that rain was just the best! It even filled our pond and caused the algae to SCAT. The ducks had a huge puddle party and the elusive snapping turtle slid out of the mud to take a refreshing bathe. AND, I have never seen such a commotion among the little green frogs, what joy!

Thank you for the nice compliments on the scherenschnitte piece, and remember that I will be giving one away in about 2 weeks. Your name is in the basket!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We were thinking about you also --wondering if you had any flooding. We had 5 1/2 inches --but no flooding (at least up here on the hill)...

AND--I love the cooler temperatures. It was so cool here last night (50's) that we put a fire in the fireplace. Felt wonderful...

Love your poem... Summer is over now I think (hope)...