Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

This post is dedicated to all our wonderful mothers, without whose unselfish, love and devotion our lives would be forever changed.
"Happy Mother's Day", I hope your day is filled with loveliness.

"A Mother holds her children's hands for a while.......their hearts forever."

You Were There

You were there when we took our first steps,
And went unsteadily across the floor.
You pushed and prodded: encouraged and guided,
Until our steps took us out the door...

You worry now "Are they ok?"
Is there more you could have done?
As we walk the paths of our unknown
You wonder"Where have my children gone?"

Where we are is where you have led us,
With your special love you showed us a way,
To believe in ourselves and the decisions we make,
Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day.

And where we go you can be sure,
In spirit you shall never be alone,
For where you are is what matters most to us,
Because to us that will always be home...

- Author Unknown.


Shine said...

Thank you for such a beautiful post....brought tears to my eyes....lovely. Happy Mother's Day to you~~~Shine

Stacy said...

What a lovely poem for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to you. I can't wait to share you blog with my mother tomorrow when we visit.

Blessings to you and yours!

Vicki said...

You always have a beautiful post.Happy Mother's day to you!

Patsy said...

Happy Mothers' Day Jo to you.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Jo, what a beautiful poem!

I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Diane at My Cottage Garden said...

What a nice poem. I hope all the mothers have a lovely day tomorrow.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Nevertheless, Happy Mother's day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

not everyone was blessed with a good mother, but mine was the best. happy mothers day

Country Gal said...

A lovely poem.
Happy Mothers day !

Unknown said...

Lovely! Happy Mother's Day!

Louise said...

I miss Mom. She was a rock. Thank you for remaining faithful and visiting during my down time. I'm beginning to feel better, and to start visiting all of my friends again.

Susan Freeman said...

Happy Mother's Day!!

Susan and Bentley

Stella Jones said...

Yes, here's a clap for all mothers everywhere. We celebrate this in March in England although it was April this year, as you know. I liked your picture and poem as always.
I hope that you too are having a lovely day.

Deanna said...

Sweet Blessings to you today!!!