Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Caught Cat-Napping

Who among us hasn't envied a cat's ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely?
~Karen Brademeyer


HEATHER said...

What a beautiful boy.

Deb said...

It's so good to see him so happy and relaxed after his terrible ordeal recently. He's such a little doll.

Christine said...

Oh, they can be such sweet little angels when they're asleep. Give Oliver a hug for me!

Jen said...

Is that your cat? Love it! I'm amazed at their acrobatic sleeping capabilities. They look so peaceful and comfy. I love my cat. When I go to sleep at night, she climbs to the top of my pillow, wraps her arms around my neck (I kid you not), and puts her head on my head to sleep. It's a wonderful hug at the end of a busy day. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. It meant a lot.

Cat Mandu said...

It must be catching...............

Diane at My Cottage Garden said...

Gorgeous boy indeed! I have one relaxing on my lap as I type!

Ed said...

Nothing beats a good snooze..:-)

Barbara Anne said...

Oliver certainly has the right ideas of comfort! We have many photos of our cats in similar poses. Ours are grey tabbies.

I have towels on their favorite furniture!


Ginny said...

What a cutie, don't we all wish we could just lay around without a care in the world, gotta love them!!

roxie said...

What a handsome, handsome lad he is! I've always been a sucker for a redhead.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had to show these precious photos to my hubby, we agree they are really beautiful. thanks for sharing. hubby said That is a big cat.

Angela aka Cowlady said...

What a beautiful cat! My cat Patches also likes to stretch out, apparently without a care in the world & spend hours dreaming kitty dreams!I do envy him & I think he knows it! Thanks for sharing with us!
Angela & Patches

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

What a life our cats have....who said 'it's a dogs life'!!!?? Hope the storms don't hit you today...we certainly had our share of them over the last couple of days. Stay safe Jo....
Maura :)

DeniseinVA said...

Oliver knows how to relax. We should all take such a lesson :)

DJ said...

I was blog hopping and happened to stumble upon your blog. What lovely pictures you have posted! Oliver reminds me a bit of my cat, and have often thought...if there is such a thing as reincarnation, it would be lovely to come back as a house cat. They do make lounging look wonderful, don't they?

Sharon said...

Yes, there are times when I wish I had that flexibility and could sleep like that. Oliver seems to favor many positions! DC likes her back - in the middle of the floor.

Stella Jones said...

He is such a chilled out cat! and the paw is completely better I see.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Oliver may look like he's asleep, but something tells me he knew what was going on and was posing for you!! I know I always say this, but I really think he is such a handsome cat!!!

L. D. said...

Oliver is so cool!!!!