Monday, November 1, 2010

On Hold

The glorious Autumn weather is upon us. Sleeveless days and frost-laden nights.

I've so looked forward to this time of the year, chores to tend in the garden, and the cooperation of the weather, makes for perfect pottering days.
I've made a list, and I'm raring to go.

Serendipity however, has different plans. I've carelessly injured my knee, the doctor thinks an ACL sprain, so with orders of ice packs and magical potions from his trusty medicine bag, I've been ordered to chair sittin'.

"Fortune favours the brave" or not.


Deanna said...

So very sorry about your hurt knee. May you heal quickly.

Lovely time of year to be able to sit and recoup.


Doc said...

Sorry about your injury, sounds like a good time to catch up on some reading

Anonymous said...

Hope you soon get better!!Send you good vibrations!!:))
thanx for good pixtures..A BIG HUG!!:))

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Jo, I am so sorry to hear about your knee. I KNOW (for a fact) how much pain that can be... Hope yours improves quickly...

I too love this time of year and spend alot of time in the yard. Hope your knee gets better soon --so that you can get outside some..

God Bless You.

karen said...

You get some rest now...and do what the doctor tells you...get better soon. Sending you some love and light, and well wishes.

DJan said...

Take care of that knee. I had an ACL replacement years ago, and once it got better, it was fine. Maybe it's time to take up knitting! :-)

Custom Comforts said...

Bummer ~ nothing worse than being laid up when the outside is calling to you. May your recovery be quick so you can be up and about soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry you are sitting out for a while, but you have such a wonderful porch to sit on. Hope your knee heels really fast.

Meredith said...

Maybe now is the time to sit, read and relax. I do hope you get better soon.

Kay said...

Sorry about your knee. Hope you heel quickly so you can enjoy the Fall.

Patsy said...

That is not what a gardener wants to hear is it? Hope you will be better soon.

Linda Jennings said...

Take care of yourself!!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh dear! Get better soon! I love this weather, too...warm afternoons but chilly mornings and evenings! I think I did my last puttering outside!

Sharon said...

First law of Murphy - Never plan.
Second Law of Murphy - rest, take care, do what the docs says and plan no more.

So sorry :(

Verde Farm said...

Oh No! I am so sorry to hear about the sprain. So glad it wasn't a tear!! Just enjoy that beautiful place and take care of yourself. You will be back up in no time!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Oh sorry to learn about your knee. Bad enough at any time of year...but when the weather is cool enough to be outside that makes it even worse. I do hope it heals quickly and that it's not too painful at the moment. Enjoy your days as best you can...I'll be thinking of you.
Maura :)

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your knee, but I hope you'll make the best of your imposed chair sitting.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Thank you for all the kind get well wishes,I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll see some improvement in the next few days.
The alternate is not good.
You are the bestest bloggy friends :)

Sunny said...

This is such an inviting picture. I do hope your knee heals quickly.
☼ Sunny

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Take care of that knee!

Country Gal said...

Sorry to hear about your knee ! Hope it feels better soon !

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Oh Jo sorry to hear about the knee, what an untimely thing to happen at this time of the year especially to a gardener! I am sending the best thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! In the meantime keep that knee comfortable...
Tina xo

Janet said...

get better soon! sit back and enjoy the autumn tints !

Susan Freeman said...

Oh no!! My husband had a knee injury. He exercises regularly and uses a supplement with glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. So far, it's been helping quite a bit. Take care of yourself my dear friend!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, bother! So sorry to hear your knee dictates time out for you.

Be sure to have a thin towel or washcloth between your skin and any plastic bag of ice. Real ice bags keep your skin protected from the danger of an ice burn. Plastic bags with ice in them don't offer such protection and ice can burn skin just as heat can. I folded a hand towel in half, stitched up the sides, and that's what our zip-lock bags of ice go in. It works well.

Get well hugs!

The Prodigal Tourist said...

Oh, dear, what a shame! I do hope your trusty medicine bag came from Dr. Daniels? He always helps me...

Mary Lou said...

I hope the pain is minimal and the healing is quick. I also hope you knit..It's good for times like this. Enjoy the weather as best you can.
Take good care of you.

Michael said...

So, how are you now? Still sitting or getting about a bit now?> Do hope so. Can imagine you don't like being stuck down for too long, even with great books and cozy interiors.