Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Too Much R & R

I've spent close to two weeks laying around in bed, yesterday I returned to the doctor, only to be told the insurance company wouldn't authorize the MRI on my injured knee.
We have two health insurance policies, neither one wants to step up to the plate, and make the first commitment, and so I have to follow the six to eight week rule, of trying other approaches before they give the authorization.

What a load of cobblers.

On the bright side, it's given me the opportunity of making out my Christmas list, and checking it twice.


2 Dogs said...

Sorry to hear about the MRI. Insurance companies are such a scam! Working in the medical field, I know. Hope all goes well. Hugs

karen said...

Insurance is really difficult. If you need a good laugh about insurance see Kimy's blog at mouse Medicine...I got a good laugh on that today. Two older ladies doing rap!

Sorry you're having to take more time off the knee. At least it looks like you have a very cozy spot in which to rest. I love the pillow cases with the crocheted edges...wherever did you find them?

Deanna said...

So sorry you are being given the run around. Pooh.
May your waiting go quickly and you get to feeling better really fast.

God bless,

Deb said...

So good to hear you found a bright side to your dilemma. Good Luck!

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your problems with your insurance companies. But you are definitely ahead of me when it comes to my Christmas list.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo,
I'm sorry to learn that you're having problems with your insurance companies...I can't believe how they can dictate what you can and can't do or who you can and can't see. It's a crock. I hope you're not in too much pain while you're waiting. I agree with the other fellow've got a cozy spot to rest. Hang in there and we'll be thinking of you often and hoping that your waiting time goes quickly for you. Take care.
Maura ((Hugs))

Unknown said...

You would have had the MRI scan by now if you were here and no arguements over who pays......

Unknown said...

Makes you long for the good old NHS! Sending best wishes for a return to pain free days.

Far Side of Fifty said... the mean time you could have a serious problem..couldn't you just gently that it is considered a new accident and injury?
I swear health care is getting worse all the time..have some might help:)

matron said...

I am sorry to hear your knee is still causing you problems,I hope you get some treatment soon.
What is it with medical insurance,non of them want to pay up for certain things,surely an MRI scan to see what is wrong and get the right treatment now would be cheaper than treating you as an emergency,if the problem got worse .
I also find my insurance will not contribute to orthodontic work.If I had an accident and lost my teeth,It would pay up.
My other gripe is that there is no covered checkups for us people of a certain age,even though we have payed into the scheme for years.The younger women can claim for maternity checkups and childbirth,which is excellent,but I have never claimed for this,in fact I have only ever claimed once since I entered the scheme,they make no provision for the mature policy holders.I had better stop here,I am on a rant. I do hope you get better soon.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Your blog is too lovely of a place for me to tell you what I really think of insurance companies! I do so hope you're able to find your way through the maze, and have the treatment you need!!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh dear! Why must they always be so difficult!?

Hope your knee is feeling better!
Good for you working on your Christmas list! I'm still working on the Thanksgiving menu! ha.

Barbara Anne said...

How horrible that insurance companies play doctor and refuse diagnostic treatment so they can keep the money we've paid in for years. Despicable!

Can they put you in a knee brace so you can be up and about to some degree?

Perhaps you can next do your Christmas cards and be weeks ahead of the rest of us?

What a lovely bedroom you have. The welcoming Christmas dining room in your 2nd photo is just beautiful!


Country Gal said...

Insurance company's, isnt that what they are there for and why you pay into them to cover you, I have never understood their way of thinking, or there lack of ! Sorry to hear that they wont or are taking their time to pay up ! On the bright side you get to check your christmas list ! Try to have a good day !

Dee said...

I hope you are feeling better and I think most of us can truly relate to the Insurance company woes! I love your home ♥

Stella Jones said...

Oh that's awful Jo. My commiserations. You don't need to be laid up right now with the Christmas holidays to prepare for (oh and Thanksgiving too, of course). I hope your knee starts to recover soon. How did you hurt it in the first place? I must have missed that.
Blessings, Star

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm so sorry, Jo.... I hope your knee gets better and better --the longer you stay off of it and just WAIT... Waiting is hard though when you are in pain... My love and prayers are with you...

We have a good healthcare system overall--but at times like this, I'm sure it gets very frustrating...


Butternut Squash said...

It's the 'best health care system' that no one can afford to use. Cobblers indeed!

Our lousy system screams for mass protests!

Get well soon.

Christine said...

Don't give up Jo! My doctor just kept bombarding the insurance company with requests and they finally gave an authorization for the MRI on my knee. At least you have your Christmas list done!
Lots of Hugs!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello Jo, I just dropped in from Mama-Bug's blog and sorry to hear about your injured knn but worst of all the insurance company runarounds. Hope it sorts out and that you feel better soon. I enjoyed seeing your photos and will be back to catch up on more of the previous posts. Please feel free to drop in anytime to our little blog-spot.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Our health system is a terrible mess--My MRI was approved, but I had to fork out $250. before they would do it. Also had to pay dr. office co-pay BEFORE they would see me! Always, I paid before leaving, but now they want their $ up front! There's just something wrong about that!
That you are being "forced" to wait is just not right either!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

health care is a nightmare for sure and getting worse. glad you got so much done. and you have the most lovely place to be in while doing the R&R thing. I love that table and chairs.

Bernideen said...

We are all insurance poor. I think it is so sad with the profits they make! I think this new thing will even be worse when everything is said and done!

On another note: Lovely photo here and I wish you a speedy recovery.

donna baker said...

So sorry Jo. I'm having my knee replaced in August. Here is a trick to try. Call the ins. co and tell them you want a copy of their procedure manual etc. I found that the State of Okla. would cover a special brace that they had always turned down. The office at my surgeon's told me they had never covered one before. When we found the paragraph of that coverage and faxed it to the state, they immediately covered mine. Ins. companies are the scourge of America.

Sunny said...

Sorry to hear about your knee problems! I had to go through the whole process of treatments as well before the insurance would allow my scopes done. That did help some.... now just praying they hold up a while...

Louise said...

I've just spent a pleasant while catching up on your blog. Looks like I'm going to get my life back for a while, though sadly, not under the best of circumstances. So I will have time to pay a regular visit once more.

Sorry about your knee, and the insurance mess. Sometimes it seems like people don't count any more, just money.