Monday, November 29, 2010

Through Bare Trees

"Through bare trees
I can see all the rickety lean-tos
and sheds, and the outhouse
with the half-moon on the door,
once modestly covered in
summer's greenery.

Through bare trees
I can watch the hawk
perched on a distant branch,
black silhouetted wings
shaking feathers and snow,
and so can its prey.

Through bare trees
I can be winter's innocence,
unashamed needfulness,
the thin and reaching limbs of a beggar,
longing to touch
but the hem of the sun."-

~ Lisa Lindsey, Bare Trees


Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Beautiful picture and poem. I love England and my dream is to live there one day--Lyme Regis area.
Where do you find your poems and pictures?

Tracy :)

Lady Jane said...

Such a lovely post to wake up to. I loved your trip to pick up the hound dog. A few years ago hubby and I took a trip to Nashville to the Grand Ole Oprey and we went thru that area. It was a beautiful trip and the people were so friendly. Have a beautiful day. Blessings. Lady Jane

Unknown said...

Lovely poem and so telling. I once didn't realize a neighbor had painted laid a new patio until I saw it thru the bare trees that winter!
Love the photo of the old wooden bridge.

Larry said...

How truly inviting... L

Barbara Anne said...

What an apt picture and poem! As the last few weeks have passed, we see so many more bare branches up and so very, very many leaves down on the ground.

I love the sight of branches reaching skyward.


Country Gal said...

Beautiful photo and poem ! Have a great day !

DJan said...

A very contemplative picture and poem. And beautiful as usual. Have a wonderful day, oh and Good Morning!

Susan Freeman said...


Susan and Bentley

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, One thing I like about bare trees is being able to see the birds up there much easier!!!!!!

Have a great Monday... How is the Knee?

Stella Jones said...

Wintertime does make us feel vulnerable, doesn't it. I heard today that thousands of people in Scotland are without power at the moment because of the weather. My heart goes out to them. The snow is so beautiful but can be so treacherous. I'm sure those Scots people would love to touch the hem of the sun. What a lovely sentiment!
I enjoyed your post today.
Blessings, Star

Unknown said...

A beautiful crossing bridge, and I love the poem,"Bare Trees".

Silvia-Maria said...

Hallo, wunderschöne Landschaft und ein liebes Gedicht.
Liebe Grüße
aus dem Waldviertel in Österreich

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i woould truly love to wander down that road between the bare trees.

Kay said...

Very pretty photo.

Christine said...

It's always interesting what you can see among the trees once they shed their leaves. Hope you have a great week.

Patsy said...

How are you doing are you getting better?

Dee said...


George said...

Thanks for a beautiful picture and a wonderful poem.

L. D. said...

Wonderful and I really like that bridge.