Friday, November 19, 2010

Desireable And Ginger

One year ago on a warm November evening, an unexpected visitor arrived.
A stranger, unfamiliar, and ginger, who made our pet-less household , once again whole.

You can read the story here :


Hilary said...

What a beauty!!!

The Retired One said...

She is gorgeous and precious!!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Jo, I so loved the post of how Oliver came to be yours. We had a cat like that as well--One day I came home and there he was, sitting on my porch as if he belonged there, again much like your boy who found you at the perfect time when you were once again ready to open your heart and home.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A whole year of happiness with her.. . good for you !

Carolina Mountains said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you both!

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

He is just absolutely gorgeous. I love the top photo, it makes me want to give him a big kiss. I just adore cats♥ He is very special indeed, great choice for a Mum & Dad Oliver:) Linda xxx

Stella Jones said...

You know how much I love your cat. If you ever get fed up with him? I hope Millie's not reading this!
Blessings, Star

Bette said...

Happy Anniversary! I read the original story & can relate to that feeling when you found one another. I'd lost both my cats in '04 & still longed for one, just hadn't made a decision. In Sept. of this yr. while at the vets with the dog, my little yellow & white Andy was there & in need of a home. Still amazed by how he's grown in 2 months!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I popped over to your archives and read your wonderful story of a found cat. loved the story of bringing home the feral cat. my husbands daughter, when she was five had a cat she wore around her neck as she rode her bike. Ollie is really a most beautiful can and you are blessed he found you and of course he is the most blessed to be your owner.

Janet said...

A house is not a home with out a cat in it !He is beautiful !

Barbara Anne said...

Your family made Oliver's life whole, too.

What a happy anniversary!


Country Gal said...

Thats how we came across our Harley kitty, she was a tiny little kitten when she arived on my inlaws steps, mom couldnt keep her as they already had pets, so she took a pic of kitty showed us the photo on line and as soon as I saw her I said we'll take her, that was 2 and half years ago. She is a wonderful cat our Harley, The funny thing is we now live right next door to the inlaws were Harley was found ! Have a great day !

Unknown said...

Gorgeous cat! Isn't it funny how the "lost ones" always bring so much joy into our lives.

George said...

Ginger is a beautiful cat. And he looks very happy that he found you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cats seem to know where to go to find where they are loved.... You got a great one when Oliver showed up last year, didn't you?? He is a beautiful cat, Jo, and I know how special he is to you!!!!

How's the knee?

Sunny said...

Sweet little Oliver, how lucky that you found each other. Happy Anniversary :)
These are beautiful pictures.
☼ Sunny

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

What a sweetheart Jo! I am owned by 13 rescued neighborhood kitties now and even though they cost me every spare cent I have I love them very much!
Have a wonderful weekend with your fur baby...
Tina xo

Christine said...

Jo, this beautiful fella definitely owns you lock, stock and barrel! It always amazes me how animals just seem to know who "they" want to belong to. Give him an extra bit of loving for me!

Jill said...

What a beautiful companion. I love the way Oliver found you!

Wanda said...

She's that amber color. So glad she found you!!

Deb said...

I love these stories. So happy for both of you. Hugs, Deb=^..^=z5

Cat Mandu said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Oliver! I bet you got some extra snacks.
Mandu and Margaret

Carol said...

Oliver looks so peaceful.

Mmmmm on contemplation it's been a while since our neighborhood cat has visited. Wonder where he is.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Oh, he is so handsome. Looks so much like my lovely Goldie! There is just something special about ginger cats!

DeniseinVA said...

Whenever I see Ollie he always reminds me of my own Ginger Tom from childhood. Ollie is beautiful and I am happy you included the link as I have enjoyed reading how he came into your family.

Louise said...

He is a beautiful, beautiful cat. Such a bright orange, a true marmalade cat! I'm glad to know how he came to be part of your family.

Vickie said...

Hello again - I'm backtracking today. We've been adopted by two felines over the past 6 months, Alice and Jasper. I've always had cats, but it'd been awhile. People drop them off in the country around us. They were to be outside kitties (and Jasper still is as he's the mouser/gopher-er) but when I got Alice spayed about a month ago, I brought her inside to heal and she's become a lap kitty. How can I put her back out when she gives me that look??? ;)
Glad your kitty has gotten himself another home and fine folks to love him!