Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November Days

"The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear."

~ William Cullen Bryant


George said...

Things weren't quite this bad here on the Plateau, but we did have about 30 hours of mostly gentle rain. It was most welcome.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow--this has been the best amount of rain we have had in a VERY long time. It rained here most of yesterday, all night and all morning... It's quit now--and has turned very windy.

Fun Fun!!!!!! Have a great day--and take care of that knee.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Raining everywhere and everyday, here too in Kuala Lumpur!
But a good shot and composition of that condition..

Kay said...

Looks like a big storm rolling in.

John Going Gently said...

thats a mean cloud!

Patsy said...

Now that the rain has gotten here just hope it want get carried away.LOL

Verde Farm said...

This gloomy weather is what I dread about late fall and winter. I just don't like it. I try to be positive but I just don't like it :)

Mary Lou said...

Talk about dreary!! I think we will get some of that tomorrow.
Great photos as always.

Country Gal said...

Right now it's rainy, windy and cold, kind of like British weather lol . Have a great day !

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

We're to get rain later in the night and then tomorrow but we really need it. We've only had about 3 good rains since the July 4th weekend! November is much brighter here in Kansas than in British Columbia but I do sometimes miss the dull rainy days in front of the cozy fire. We have the fire here but at the moment it's like a sweat lodge...just not cold enough yet for that. Take care of that knee please and enjoy your Wednesday. Maura :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like Minnesota..dark and dreary..but you have leaves..November seems to be the darkest of months..I like the poem:)

Barbara Anne said...

Our skies looked like that yesterday but today is sunny.

I love the winter look of bare branches reaching heavenward!


Dee said...

Brrr..looks like my little town.

Budd said...

That is great picture!