Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Rain

Mother Nature heard my plea and sent rain to this lush Tennessee valley today.
If you listened carefully you could hear the trees and flowers, heaving a big sigh of relief, their roots and foliage drinking in every last drop of moisture.

It's raining; it's pouring.
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head,
And he couldn't get up in the morning

Oliver thinks it is a good day to snooze, something he has mastered to a perfection.
The Bacopa baskets continue to bloom despite the extreme heat
I managed to gather a few flowers, in between rain showers
A new pot of Daylilies waiting to be planted
A break in the heat
away from the front
no thunder, no lightning,
just rain, warm rain
falling near dusk
falling on eager ground
steaming blacktop
hungry plants
turning toward the clouds
cooling, soothing rain
splashing in sudden puddles
catching in open screens
that certain smell
of summer rain
~ Summer Rain : Raymond A Foss


DJan said...

We had rain, too, but we were hoping for just a little of your heat. We just had rain, mist, and snow... What a lovely picture of that flower in the rain!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you got rain today.... We are a couple hours east of you--and got NONE today... It was sunny and HOT here. George had to water the container plants.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo! Looks like we've been having the opposite kind of're looking forward to rain and we're sick of it. Now our days are HOT and humid...I hate humidity! Your flowers are so pretty..I especially love the flowers in the 'window box'...very nice indeed. I think it will be another year without a flower garden unless we put in a few things this fall once we're done with the screened porch. We must be crazy to do this but it will be worth it when we're done and enjoying sitting out there with a nice glass of wine and NO BUGS! Enjoy your Friday...Maura :)

matron said...

Love the flower with the rain drops on it and it is such a beautiful colour.
Our weather is hot and humid,can't sit out side because of the midges that attack us in swarms.I think the lake and the bog are responsible for them,but we can't do any thing about it unfortunately.

Barbara Anne said...

Please send the rain to us! All the rain VA has gotten in the last week missed us - well, except for about 15 minutes of light rain two nights ago. I'm glad for that rain but we need hours of steady rain to quench the thirst of all outdoors. Thanks for any rain you forward to us!!

Lovely photos!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the poem fits oliver to the tee. love that first photo. so beauitful

Patsy said...

We could use some rain. it is hot dry with rainless clouds here.
Lovely post.

DeniseinVA said...

Another lovely post Jo. Your flower photo looks spectacular adorned with its jewelry of water droplets. I enjoyed all your other photos too. Oliver does look so comfy.

Thanks for stopping by my raccoon post. I wish I could invite her to stay for a long time, but we have too many small children, dogs and cats around here, and I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, including my momma raccoon. I think we will be taking the bird feeders down for a few days until she has moved out of the neighborhood. I wish her safe and happy traveling, with none of that worrisome rabies that we are all so aware of these days. Have a great weekend Jo.

An English Girl Rambles

Barbara said...

Great to have the rain freshen things up during the heat. The flowers do look pleased and fresh.