Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflections On A Summer's Day

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
~ Jane Austen


Sunny said...

A delicious taste of summer. Such a beautiful and inviting picture.
☼ Sunny

Betsy Banks Adams said...

After all of the rain we have had this week, I'm ready for some sunshine and something refreshing to drink... I'll be there --just let me know when!!!! ha


Ed Pilolla said...

yes indeed. bring on the summer:)

Richard Lawry said...

What a lovely photo. So inviting. My daughter would appreciate the Jane Austin quote.

An Arkies Musings

DJan said...

Today we have sunshine! I can join you with fun in the sun! Ready to play?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so lovely, that is all I can think of it.

Rebecca said...

I've had a beautiful change of scenery - and enjoyed some most precious times of "sitting"! Your picture here makes me long for more :)

Barbara Anne said...

Amen to Jane's words! I couldn't agree more, especially when it's hot and humid. The picture you've posted is so tranquil and inviting, too.

I once heard reference made to "the sanctuary of shade" and it is certain that for everyone on hot days. Thanks be to God for the blessing of shade!


Mage said...

Simply a lovely, sunny moment. Thank you.

Cass @ That Old House said...

That Jane Austen -- she knew her stuff. :-)

Bethany said...

Your photos make me catch my breath. I go to your blog for a peace-reset during my day sometimes.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Jane Austen was so right and today as I am ending my visit with my friend here in Pennsylvania, we added your lemonade, and that also made a perfect refreshment...

Carol said...

Looks like a lovely spot to just sit and while away a few hours.

Patsy said...


DeniseinVA said...

She has a way with the words and you have a way with putting them together with the photos. I love that scene Jo, such an idyllic photo.

karen said...

This is just the spot to go to for a peaceful day. I'll be right over.....
Beautiful photo. You have such a lovely home.