Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Planting And Pruning

The First Sergeant (hubby) spent the long weekend planting a few new plants around the garden. Meanwhile I took on the job of pruning back one of the overgrown Rose of Sharon bushes.
His mission was a much prettier one to share than mine.......

Delphiniums Old English Cottage Garden variety

Day lily in bloom at the pond

Calla Lilies

Balloon flowers, Tick Seed, and Delphiniums.

" All gardeners know that in some way they work out their problems in the garden.
There is no mystery to it.
They are simply following Nature's laws.
Planting a garden is an act of optimism."
~ Marilyn Barrett, Creating Eden


Butternut Squash said...

I think I will do some gardening today. Beautiful inspiration.

DJan said...

Beautiful flowers! I especially love the yellow ones...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it takes all the different kinds of work to make all this beauty in your yard. love the shed and the boot made me smile and looks VERY good on it's fence post.

donna baker said...

Oooh Delphiniums. Optimist and gardener should be in the same line in the dictionary.

JulesTX said...

I adore calla lillies, so classic and lovely.
I'm a fairly new follower of your blog and so enjoy clicking in and hearing the relaxing music and beautiful photos - THANKS.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

As always, I love your post and seeing your flowers, but I had to grin at the quote about "working out our problems in the garden," because I created one for myself...I gotten poison ivy from working in mine! :-)))

Rock rose said...

I must tell my husband that. He thinks I am such a pessimist! And yet I must be an optimist to keep up with this garden. Why is it I get more nostalgic the older I grow?I never used to be this way! After all it has been 41 years. Love your little pictures down the side and peaceful music.

Patsy said...

Your flowers are grand, love the boot.

jerilanders said...

Yes, Planting a garden IS an act of optimism. I keep OPTIMISTICALLY planing Delphiniums,in the belief that they will return the next year. They never have. Do anyone's Delphiniums ever come back? Yours are lovely.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, I haven't been able to work outside lately--and I miss it SO much... Your flowers are gorgeous. Love the Calla lilies. We don't have any of them.


cottage garden farmer said...

Lovely pics, I gather delphiniums are not easy over there? mine are just coming out here in wiltshire, always assuming a rogue storm doesn't blow them over of course...

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely, lovely flowers and settings in your garden!

That is just what I needed to boost my spirits after 4 days at the hospital with AMIL as my FIL was having a cardiac cath and angioplasty. He's okay, but now hubby is sick.

I am tired and thank you again for your beautiful photos. Wonder if it's too late to plant some delphiniums?


L. D. said...

I really like that quote. I was thinking that the other day, that I put it in the ground and the rest is up to the plant. Your calla lilies are beautiful. I have a Stella O'dora lily blooming but all the rest are just starting to bud.

Sunny said...

Such lovely flowers, and wonderful quote.
I love the boots, did you grow them from seed? haha!
☼ Sunny