Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Flight

One minute they were feathered siblings sharing the nest.
Cozy and safe from harm.
The next, their wings spread wide, their spirits soaring, they ventured into the unknown.
Be safe my little friends ........

click to enlarge

" I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn."

~ Henry David Thoreau


Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture and what a lovely blog you have. I found you via Patsy Smith's blog.

L. D. said...

Beautiful red birdhouse. It doesn't take long for the young birds to leave the nest. I like all writings.

Becca's Dirt said...

Look at those little ones coming out. So sweet.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, Beautiful picture of those precious little birds.... Can you imagine how scary it must be for those little birds when they fledge for the first time?


Stella Jones said...

What an adorable picture. I love the birdhouse too. Every year this event brings us such joy and makes us think how wonderful life is.
Blessings, Star

The Prodigal Tourist said...

How clever of you to be there with your camera ready! You only get one shot at this, well done!

Unknown said...

Awww such a cute piccie and I love your birdhouse!

maddie said...

Make a little birdhouse in your soul! What a great picture, and sentiments too. Love it.

Mage said...

Amazing....and look at their heads.

The Retired One said...

Loved the photo and the quote...I felt the same way when a hummingbird flew in front of me two years ago and hovered right in front of my eyes and gave me EYE contact for about a was amazing!

Deb said...

What a beautiful photo.

Patsy said...

Hope you are doing well, Love your post.

Kim said...

We have many new little babies in our yard this year, more than I have ever seen in my life. I love them and watching them grow is so satisfyingly consuming...however, I am a nervous wreck when they leave the nest. Our baby dove left the nest Memorial day weekend and I happened to be present when the mom discovered the baby was gone! Oh I cried with her. She cooed and cooed and looked around and jumped on the nest and onto the power wire looking, looking for her baby. I just hope the baby didn't get eaten by one of the many critters and cats in the yard. I never heard the robins leave but I did see one on the sunroom roof one day but it seemed like it would be alright. High up in the front yard tree we have a family of Northern Flickers. They will be leaving soon. I suppose I'll cry again!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a sweet post and verse that fit say it so perfectly...It's a bittersweet moment at least for me, when fledglings leave the nest--I worry about them and always say a little prayer that they'll be safe and find their way in the big world...

Mary Lou said...

Beautiful. what great timing to have them both there at once. I love the quote.

donna baker said...

Love the birdhouse Jo. And, thank you for your comments about my painting. It is much appreciated.

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, I know just what you mean in wishing the baby birds Godspeed as they venture forth and learn to fly.

Years ago, there was a robin's nest in our maple tree and our picnic table was under the tree. When it was time for the baby robins to fly, Mama and Daddy Robin took them to the chair backs where they tottered back and forth, gathering their bravery for the long 6" journey to the tabletop! There were many, most charming false starts but all of the babies made it to the tabletop, then back again to the chairs, and finally off they went into the wild blue yonder! It was an unforgettable rare treat to watch this process, It was also so funny!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

too cute for words, what could be better than two little heads peeking out at the same time