"Rain, rain go away, come again another day".........
We have been literally deluged with rain, for the past three days and nights. Water, water everywhere.
The Spring rains have certainly stood up to their legacy this year,
wonderful for all those new seedlings,
not so good, if the fields are now standing ankle deep in water.

I puddle up the neighborhood
I make the postman mad
I wake the worm and spank the frog
Sleeping on his lily pad
And when the tulips in their beds
Nod happily, it's true,
I shake the petals of their hands
And say, How do you dew?

Poem credit: J. Patrick Lewis
Hey Jo...I hear you guys are about to float away! Shoot Fire ,we had a small Hurricane here today! 75 mile an hour winds and sheets of rain you wouldn't believe!It got kinda scairy for a bit!
Hope you dry out soon!
We are getting the same rain down on this end of the state. My grass is growing like crazy.
Actually looks quite peaceful. Driving a cab we call the rain "street gold" because that's when we have no shortage of customers.
Hey Jo, all that rain came from around my parts. About 8" just on my farm. I planted a large vegetable garden last week and it now stands in water. I hope I don't have to replant.
Hello. I empathize with you. Here in Alabama we have had quite a deluge as well.
Our church attendance was low today. We have several elderly people in our congregation, and they shun getting out in such weather. Can't blame them one bit.
I am ready for some sunshine, but appreciate God's sweet goodness of rain. We hope to plant flowers later this week.
God bless you. I love the little poem.
Jo, I forgot to tell you how I love your new music. Once again fellow pea podder, I love piano music. I can only play a little, but the piano moves me on a level that is beyond words. May I suggest you listen to Margie Adams. Also, Keith Jarrett. You'll have to order them at Border's or Barnes & Noble. For Margie Adams I recommend SOON AND AGAIN and NAKED KEYS. You won't be disappointed. K. Jarrett has so many out, I'll look up my favs for you.
The Writers Porch....
A hurricane ?? OMG and I think the weather's bad here. They are predicting even more rain tonight, so back to wearing the wellies again tomorrow !
Thanks for the comment on the music, wasn't sure if it would get on people's nerves.
Patti Cakes,
I looked on the weather tonight, and saw it was still up your way too!
Hoping John is doing better,get him checked out....
King of New York Hacks, wow ! The BIG city, and I bet you do get those cabs full on rainy nights.
Thanks for stopping by, I will do likewise.
Donna, oh I hope it hasn't ruined your planting....
I'll keep my fingers crossed fer ya.
Andrea, yes, older people tend to stay out of the rain. Methinks it is just too hard on them, slippery pavements and all.
What part of Alabama are you ?
Have friends who live in Dothan area...
I'm an old person and I love the rain, although I prefer when it's not the damaging kind!
Fantastic poem and photos.
Ahhhh, this is a lovely post. On a rainy day here in Virginia it is a joy to stop by in your part of Tennessee. It is a joy to stop by when the sun is shining. I look how you write, the rain poem is super and the music is so relaxing.
We are getting the rain now in Mobile...it is badly needed though so no complaints from this gardener. Have a good one
We are just now getting rain. We needed it here. It sounds like you have more than you needed.
I just love your pictures. Sooo pretty.
Have a great day.
I loved the raindrops in the window picture and the one of the drops on the flower!! Lovely!!
Lovely words and pictures! Your creativity with words paint a picture that took me away to a nice place. Thank you!
Yup, its raining here to.... Its like there is a rain cloud following me around
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