I have received a new blog award from fellow blogger, Pastor Sharon, at Dances With God a recent recipient of the award herself.
Pastor Sharon, is ONE busy and entertaining lady. Not only is she a seminary student in the process of studying to earn a degree in her second career, she is also a lady who is devoted to God and her family.
Her blog is both entertaining, funny, wise, and enlightening; her love of life and serving the Lord is eminent.
Thank you Pastor Sharon, I am truly humbled.
"The Uplifting Blogger Award, goes to fellow bloggers who visit frequently and raise my spirits with their kind words of encouragement, their beautiful images and their wonderful outlook on life. They make blogging a positive experience and continue to make my life richer."
"Please feel free to pass this award along to your friends. I ask that you do name them but you don't have to link to them.
"Please feel free to pass this award along to your friends. I ask that you do name them but you don't have to link to them.
Just stop by their blogs and let them know you've given them this award."
In the "share the love" spirit, I would like to pass along this award to the following bloggers who daily raise my spirits and offer words of encouragement.
The Writers Porch
A Parson's Wife
Gaston Studio
Home Haven Ministry
Joyful ReflectionsThe Writers Porch
A Parson's Wife
Gaston Studio
Home Haven Ministry
The Smith's Bennie and Patsy
Thank you dear friends for always giving me the encouragement to share my musings with you !
Jo....thank you so much!!!
This award means more to me than any I've received because of the one who gave it to you and the meaning behind it!
Hugs & xoxo
~ Carol ~
Jo, Congratulations and well deserved! Your blog is a true uplifting, inspiration. I love it!
Thank you Dear!
I would be honored to receive this neat award.
I am so glad you've been uplifted.
Congrats to you on receiving this AWARD.
As soon as my sweet daughter will help me with the techie stuff I'll post her on my blog.
I love your blog and the music is so lovely.
God bless,
Dear Jo, thank you so much! I feel undeserving, am deeply humbled, and so appreciate your kindness.
I must tell you that your blog is so inspirational. I am always uplifted by its beauty and peace. You are such a gifted lady, and I am so happy to have found your beautiful place, the opportunity to know you, and the joy to call you my friend.
Many blessings to you.
Congratulations Jo.
Blessings, Star
Hi Jo, THANKS so much. What a neat award for you---and then for you to pass on to me and other friends. It means so much. I will post it on my sidebar using your name.
Thanks again SO very very much,
Congrats Jo as you truly have an uplifting blog!
And thanks for passing on this award to moi.
Your blog is lovely and peaceful with a lot of fun and laughs thrown in! Congratulations on your award, very nice. I see several bloggers I recognize and am visiting via The Writer's Porch.
congratulations for the award .....
you really deserve it for your colorful blog....
Congratulations , your blog is very uplifting to me. Thank you for passing the award on to me.
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