Passing my favorite old homesteadDown the country lane
Waiving " hello" to the old weathered barn
Now where did I leave my gardening gloves ?
The iris are in bloom ...
New wellies...

I think I'll make a cuppa and sit here for a spell.......mulling over my plans.
The Loot....
Rain stopped play....
"Busy running down the road..."
Ha, ha, ha. I can see that car hood; you were DRIVING.
yes, I mean driving, but it's what folks in these parts call it, so "as in Rome"...
I just can't see myself jogging down the road, wheelbaroow loaded down with bloomin stuff :)
Ahh....makes me homesick for my old home place. Your pics are amazing. What lovely places to feast my eyes! Thanks to you!
I sure like those boots.
OOOOOOoooo,. I could just sit on that porch all day and talk gardening with you.
Love the potting shack with the windowboxes of flowers on them.
And LOOK at your Iris's!! Ours are just poking up from the ground about 2 inches, so we are really behind you.
Loved these pictures!!
I love the porch! Harly any porches in California...
I love gardening!!! Everything is so beautiful. Enjoy!
Your wellies are just too cool. Mine are just the ol' boring green.
Tonight we had a tornado warning and I just saw on the news a funnel cloud touched down. I'm thankful for the mountains that usually keep us protected.
Have a great weekend.
Wish I could sit a spell and garden with you.
Your porch or mine?
Happy mother's day to you.
What a gorgeous place you live in! Thanks for the tour.
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