Monday, September 13, 2010

Sitting On The Fence

Fences are some of my favorite things.
They can be both beautiful and functional, and are most often used to keep pets, children and strangers, in or out.
They protect our gardens, and offer privacy as well as giving our homes a more rustic appeal.

I prefer old fences, time-worn woods, covered in lichen or mosses.

We are preparing to install more fencing around our home, we've yet to decide on the tradition Split-Rail fence, or a Cedar Stack Rail fence, either way they both make my heart skip a beat....

Split Rail fences mimic the look and appearance of fences built in the early settlement days.

Cedar Stack Split Rail fence can be easily disassembled and re-located.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, I love old fences also.... I took several pictures of fences when we were in Cades Cove....

Whatever fences you choose, I'm sure I will LOVE them too...

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I also love fences! Around here I've seen stones stacked posts with cedar railings and I love their look! However for us, we had to have function when we did all of our fencing and did a split rail fence and put the wire on the inside for the dogs. It looks nice and I so hope it holds up!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

old fences are one of my many passions for old anything. I vote stack rail, they are both wonderful but the stack makes my heart flutter

Unknown said...

Thanks for explaining the difference between the two types of fences! I love old fences too, and old barns, and old houses, and...

Country Gal said...

Beautiful photos ! I to like the look of all different fences and gate ways, they give any land such structure and beauty.

DJan said...

And everyone knows us old folks spent our youth trying to find the little cottage with the white picket fence. Fences are boundaries with flair, to me.

Barbara Anne said...

I also love fences - and gates!

Happy choosing! Knowing your gift for creating lovely gardens, you'll soon have bulbs, seeds, and evergreens planted so your new fence will soon look like it's been there for ages!


Deb said...

I love fences, too.

George said...

I like those old split rail fences as well. Fences can be a beautiful addition to a property as well as being functional.

Patsy said...

How friendly the old fences look they say come stay and visit not keep out like some do today.

Sunny said...

I too love wooden fences; the cedar stack split rail is one of my favorites.
☼ Sunny

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Good Morning Jo!
Oh how I love old fences and both the split rail and the stacked split rail are beautiful! I've been hinting at my Mr Fixit that it would be nice to have a split rail fence out front and along our lilac lane. I don't think we have enough room for the stacked one tho. Great choices have fun choosing your favorite! I'll be watching for pictures when you're done. Have a wonderful day.
Maura :)

Together We Save said...

Wonderful picture... I love these shots.

Kay said...

I love old wooden fences. They make such a great subject for my camera.

Jill of All Trades said...

I just adore fences, especially rustic ones but I do heart white picket ones too. My Daddy built one in front of our old house and we three kids and Momma & Daddy had our pic's taken there.

Susan Freeman said...

Ah fences ~ just love them! When we lived in Northern Virginia out in the country, we had low stone walls with white picket gates. Loved them. A true work of art. You have a tough decision my friend. The Cedar Stack Split Rail is charming and oh so practical too. Between the two choices you offered, that's the one I would choose. Let us know what you decide!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Unknown said...

I really like the split rail fence, it just makes me think rural. Some lovely pics in this post Jo.

Michael said...

Awww...I do love these fences so much. :)

Don Wood said...

Yep fences are good to me. I saw on the internet people collect old barbed wire, I prefer your fences to wire or steel.

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DeniseinVA said...

I like that split rail fence too, though the cedar split rail fence is nice. The last photo reminds me of those around here, in Manassas particularly but still a bit different. Either way they all look really quaint.
An English Girl Rambles

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I have only been to Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. Beautiful Tennessee and love to come back to your blog, so I followed your blog. Thanks.