Friday, September 24, 2010

Simon's Cat " In the Box "

For all of us cat lovers out there, a new Simon's Cat video, for your purrfect enjoyment .

This message approved by Oliver >^..^<


Patsy said...

Thanks ,that is so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

really cute. my friend had a cat that loved paper bags, she always got one paper bag when she got groceries so she could throw it on the floor for Moses to play in. she missed her good watch, then she missed her earings and a bracelet and a few other shiny objects. found them all in one of the paper bags where moses was hoarding them
she named Moses because on Christmas eve, 2 months after her 20 year old cat passed on, i took her to the SPCA and she found Moses and saved him from the bull rushes.

DJan said...

I just loved it, and anybody who has a cat has been there at least once!

Anonymous said...

very cute..and you have a wonderful blog!!:))

mamabug said...

That was so cute; also right on target with cats playing in boxes or paper bags! Enjoyed it!

AJ-OAKS said...

That was great! Watching that kitty was like watching the ones here. In fact, I had to laugh because I have a cardboard box I leave in the living room just for the cats. And they do the same exact thing.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! This happens at my house way toooo much! MY indoor/outdoor cat "Stinky" has a shoebox that she sleeps in every night.

Stella Jones said...

Grinning....loved that. They are soooo like that, aren't they.
Great little video. I'm a fan now.
Blessings, Star

Rose said...

Oh my goodness...I love Simon's cat, too...I had not seen this one yet. It had me in tears...BTW, I have two posted on my blog.