Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sixty Years Strong

Another one of the treasures to share from our road trip last week, is this wonderful old garden plow.
Still in usable condition, with the original red wooden handles.
An old advertisement shows this plow cost a whopping 12.75 in the year 1950.

I've been up to my eyes in cardboard boxes for the past two days. The First Sergeant has been organizing his workshop and moving tools and equipment out of the garage and into their new location.

How do we accumalate so much 'stuff' ' ?


Mary Lou said...

That's what happens when you don't move enough!!
I love the plow especially with the red handles. What a beautiful photo with the morning glories.
Love it.

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Great find. I love old garden/farm implements....

Country Gal said...

Beautiful, I have always like the old plows as a garden orniment,or even a old wagon, great photos ! Have a good day !

Marilyn said...

We exist!!
Your garden is so lovely

Anonymous said...

WOW, and to think that at some time in its life, someone probably cultivated their soil with it to possibly feed their family. It has found a beautiful place to retire in amongst your morning glories

Unknown said...

What a great find, I love the cozy feel of your blog, you really do a good job on it.

Rebecca said...

Great plow! I went out to see if ours has even a HINT of paint. (No!)

You'll be SO satisfied when all is sorted and reorganized. It will be worth it!

Meredith said...

Great photos. That is a question I have been asking myself daily recently.

DJan said...

It looks more like a garden ornament than a useful tool, to me anyway, with those lovely morning glories decorating it!

Louise said...

I have an old plow like that in my toolshed. I still use it, on occasion, when I want to begin a new garden. I don't know whether it was originally my Grandfather's or my Father's, but I do know that it's a good deal more beat up than yours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my dad used one just like this to feed us back in the 50's. he plowed the whole top of a mountain in KY with one. his was my grandfathers i think so probably only cost a buck

Barbara Anne said...

Love the old plow! Will you use it to till your gardens?

I hear you on accumulating too much stuff. Us, too. After more than 38 years together, we have too many books, too much furniture, too much fabric (is this possible for a quilter? yes ...), too many tools, ad infinitum. I am about to embark on simplifying and am keeping my fingers crossed it goes well.

Lovely photos as always.


Patsy said...

What a fun thing to have in your garden.

George said...

We had a plow like that when I was growing up. I don't think it was new when Dad got it, but I do remember using it in the garden.

DeniseinVA said...

I am in awe of your outside decorating and gardening skills. Can you please come up here and decorate my garden please ;)
An English Girl Rambles

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat history, Jo, about the old garden plow.... Things certainly didn't cost as much back then, did they??? I remember when I went to college, I applied for a scholarship and Daddy had to write down his household income. It was a whopping $5000 a year back then --and we were not considered poor at all...

My first school teaching job in 1965, I made $3710 a year... Whew!!!!!!

Good luck helping your hubby with his boxes...


karen said...

Oh those morning glories are so beautiful. You've done a wonderful job photographing them. Love the old tools, but wouldn't want to go back to using them! :)

Verde Farm said...

That is a beautiful plow and in great condition. What a wonderful find. I have a plow wheel but the handles were long gone. Love where you put it!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo!
Oh my...we took care of that problem by moving twice in less than a year...we ended up in a smaller house with no usable basement. However...I still have boxes in one of our farm buildings to go through and tons to sell. I don't plan on moving again until it's to a nursing home! Love your old plow...especially the red handle. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.
Maura :)

Susan Freeman said...

I have no idea how we accumulate so much stuff. It just seems to wander in on it's own doesn't it?

Susan and Bentley

Unknown said...

I love your blogs from the 25th and the 29th what great ideas, you are so creative. The flowers are beautiful.

John Going Gently said...

I am so glad you like the ARCHERS theme.....
dum de dum de dum de dum!!!!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very beautiful sharing and blog. Enjoyed sailing through your blog.
Have a wonderful day.

Dee said...

I wonder if the person who use to plow his garden with this realized how prety it would be if he leaned it against his fence with morning glorys all about it? :-/

Betsy Brock said...

We DO accumulate stuff, don't we? But when it's gorgeous stuff like your plow, how can you resist?? Your morning glories look like the blue ones!