Thursday, September 9, 2010

Autumn's Calling

"September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours,
But in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.
The cricket chirps in the noontide, making the most of what remains of his brief life.
The bumblebee is busy among the clover blossoms of the aftermath,
And their shrill and dreamy hum hold the outdoor world above the voices of the song birds,
Now silent or departed."-

~ September Days : Rowland E. Robinson, Vermont.


DeniseinVA said...

Lovely Jo, just lovely!
An English Girl Rambles

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Very nice post. I stumbled upon your blog today and am so glad I did.

Celestial Charms said...

Beautiful words, and lovely photograph. There is something about photos of fences or gates that I find so appealing. :)
Have a lovely evening.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely in word and picture! Ta!

It's a lovely cool morning here and that's so refreshing. The earlier sunsets and shortening days are apparent, too. Ah, autumn!


Country Gal said...

Wonderful photo and post ! We are the same here with the cool Fall air. The sound of nature andthe country side echos in the cool breeze, the sweet smell of the trees, grasses and fields flood the air and on the odd occation the smell of a fall bon fire AHAHA ! How wonderful !

DJan said...

How sweet! And the picture is perfect for the poem. I've noticed leaves falling off the trees already, which seems early to me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yet another gate that i would love to walk through

mamabug said...

That lovely gate is so inviting I want to go through and see what's down the path.

Louise said...

Ahhh, I'm loving coming to your blog. Your photos are so rich, and peaceful looking. The gate picture is fantastic.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful September, Jo... I do love it --especially when the temperatures are cooler... We had one of the hottest days of the summer this past Tuesday --but it's not bad today.. Hopefully, the heat is now gone for a year!!!! I HOPE..

Great picture and poem.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Blogger lost my comment this morning... But--I did stop by and left one, Jo....

Great poem and picture.

Susan Freeman said...

It is calling! The temps have dropped here and some of the leaves on the trees are already starting to change color.

Susan and Bentley

George said...

September is definitely a major improvement over the past two months. I can feel autumn calling.

John Going Gently said...

that fencing makes me think of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES

was that the plan?

Don Wood said...

The trees are turning and we arranged for the beach hut to be taken down for the winter today. soon be spring . XXX Don
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