Monday, February 24, 2025

Majestic Oak

I pass by this magnificent oak tree everyday. It towers above all of the other trees, and it's sprawling branches stretch across land that was once part of the main dirt toll-road leading to Nashville.

The tree is a Chinkapin White Oak and is listed on the National Oak Registry, it has stood in this spot for the last three hundred years.  Ooh what stories it could tell,  including standing witness to the tragic  
and deadly Trail of Tears route.

The oak it is a noble tree,
The monarch of the wood;
Through winter's storms a thousand years,
Its hardy trunk hath stood.
It is not stately, like the beech;
The elm more tall may be;
And gracefuller the lovely lime;
Yet 't is a noble tree.
An acorn, by a squirrel dropped
Amid a tuft of grass,
May be an oak, on which we look
With wonder as we pass.
But then it years, long years, must grow,
And this may teach to all,
What mighty things in after times
May come from means now small.
How little did they think who saw
A green oak sapling spring
In some old forest long ago,
That it would float a king!
 Perhaps some ancient Druid came
To pluck from it a bough;
'T is now a gallant ship—but he,
Where is that Druid now?
Perhaps an acorn from that tree
Dropped on his nameless grave,
And o'er it now in summer green'
Dark' tangled branches wave.
 How beautiful the oak's young leaves,
In the bright days of Spring;
Or, when a richer tint the skies
Of early autumn bring:
And all upon the dewy ground
The acorn-cups are laid,
Like richly chased spoons are they,
For fairy banquets made.
So, monarch of all forest trees,
On every English plain;
We crown thee still, thou brave old oak,
And long, long be thy reign!
      Ann Hawkshaw

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Silent And Soft

Mother Nature threw down her blanket shortly after midnight last night, just in time for an arctic blast moving through the area.
Soft, wet snowflakes cocooning everything in sight.
The songbirds have once again retreated to their nests, in a world of silence.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

🎵 With Love From Me To You


My wish for you.

Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Faith so that you can believe,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
Love to complete your life.

May your Valentine's Day be special !

x x

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February Days

Our days have been filled with glorious sunshine.
The daffodils are shooting up from the ground, offering the promise of spring.
I tidied around the porches and fiddled in the potting shed yesterday, it's hard to stay cooped up when the sun is shining.
The laughter of school children could be heard, enjoying a few hours of playtime before darkness draws in.
Wishing you peace, in whatever little corner of the world, you call home.....

Sunday, February 2, 2025

News From Gobbler's Knob

Rabbits have been making a show in the garden, nibbling on the new shoots of grass.
The songbirds are once again appearing , a good sign that life is beginning to awaken.
It appears that winter is not yet over, according to the legendary groundhog Punxsutawney Phil.
Six more weeks and hopefully we'll be well on our way to warmer days and blue skies.