Sunday, February 2, 2025

News From Gobbler's Knob

Rabbits have been making a show in the garden, nibbling on the new shoots of grass.
The songbirds are once again appearing , a good sign that life is beginning to awaken.
It appears that winter is not yet over, according to the legendary groundhog Punxsutawney Phil.
Six more weeks and hopefully we'll be well on our way to warmer days and blue skies.




local alien said...

Sorry to hear your Groundhog predicted a few more cold weeks. But we're matching on towards spring and then summer.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Phil awoke confused...just look at
the warm weather predicted for this week.....

jayveesonata said...

Two weeks ago it was snowy and 12 degrees (Fahrenheit) during daylight. Now it is rainy and in the 50s with possibly 60s next week. Spring eagerly awaits.

Rian said...

It is strange... as he did predict 6 more weeks of winter... but it's going to be 80 here tomorrow according to our weatherman and supposedly in the 70's all week. The trees and plants are going to be confused. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Spring!

Latane Barton said...

Well, it is still winter, after all, regardless of what P. Phil says or does. Ours hasn't been bad at all so I won't complain but I know it has for other folks. I'm sorry about that for them. Spring will eventually get here.

Belinda said...

Only six weeks until Spring! 😊