Saturday, July 23, 2011

Reaping The Rewards

My dear son-in-law's garden is producing it's bounty, this is just a small selection of his plantings.
He has become quite the gardener.

" To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds and watch their renewal of life - this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do."

~ Charles Dudley Warner, author, editor, publisher (1829 - 1900)


Louise said...

A truly beautiful selection of good, healthy food. Looks yummy.

Christine said...

I'm beginning to think home gardens are becoming a necessary way of life again in this terrible economy we're dealing with.

Sharon said...

What great crops already. Yum!

DeniseinVA said...

I would be very proud of that crop!

Unknown said...

Absolutely nothing better than garden fresh produce!

Deb said...

Oh, I could just dive right into that. Especially tomatoes fresh from the garden.

DJan said...

Wow! Way to make me jealous, Jo. I just spent a fortune on greens but couldn't have afforded that spread without taking out a loan! :-)

George said...

Home-grown vegetables are absolutely the best. It looks like a lot of good eating is coming from that garden.

Babs said...

Love those beautiful tomatoes and peppers and OKRA. Wish I had planted okra. Are you going to fry it?

Terry said...

Very nice.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

That's quite a variety from a home garden !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of good produce you have here, pretty and delish, nothing better except for sleeping Cats

heritagestitchery said...

Jo ~ Are those banana peppers I spy? When they
are sweet, they are delicious, but when hot....
tooooooo hot..Even our
produce man cannot tell the
difference except to taste
one...Have often brought
home and cooked a batch of
hot surprises.... Would love
to find the seeds for the
sweet. Bravo to the gardener of that beautiful

A Brit in Tennessee said...

They are sweet banana peppers not hot.
I'll ask the SIL where he got his seeds and let you know.