Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Snow Storm

Four o' clock this afternoon, yet more snow !!

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
Hides hills and woods, the river and the heaven,
And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.
The steed and traveler stopped, the courier's feet
Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed
In a tumultuous privacy of storm.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


DJan said...

Are you in another one? Again so soon?? Well, spring can't be far away now... right?

Deb said...

We are having the same thing here right as I type this. You can hardly see across the road for the snow.
Pretty but I'm tired of it.
I hope Oliver is doing better . I have been thinking of him and hoping the best for him. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

George said...

We're getting some snow now, but it's not as hard as in your photo. Thanks for sharing the poem with us.

Country Gal said...

Yup I think we all have had enough of winter I know I have, come on spring . Lovely photo and post ! Have a good day !

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Not much here, Jo... Snow always fizzles when it gets to the plateau --when it comes from the west.. Don't know why but we only have a trace...

Enjoy yours... Beautiful picture.

Custom Comforts said...

Are you tired of it yet? It's been cold and snowy here, but I honestly think you all have had more storms and snow that we have here up north. Most of our snow doesn't add up to much, but it hangs around because the temps are so low. I think you're having a northern winter. Lets' hope it lets up soon :)

Betsy Brock said...

Oh how beautiful! That is a very lovely picture too! We certainly have had our share of snow this winter, but I do think it is so pretty!

Stella Jones said...

Please don't send it my way!
Those geese look so real and so cold. A little doggie jacket wouldn't go amiss, would it?
How's Oliver?

Sharon said...

It started here around 4:00, before that it was a flake here and a flake there. I have had enough!

Any word about when Oliver may be coming home?

Stay warm!!!

Louise said...

"a tumultuous privacy of storm." If that isn't a perfect description, I don't know what is.

Deanna said...

Lovely post and I say brrrrrr.
Ready for Spring!!!
May you have a super valentine's day,

Michael said...

We've actualy barely had any snow this winter in Colorado, not here anyway. Isn't that ironic? But, oh, it has been bitterly cold. I need some of that down like those geese.

Verde Farm said...

So pretty. I love snow-if it’s going to be winter, I would like it to snow daily but no power outages and no road problems :)
Stay warm,

Carol said...

Greetings from Nashville. My hubbie usually has a 15 minute commute. After 3 hours and not even getting half way home, he turned round and went back to work. He's going to try again later tonight.

Anonymous said...

Snow is beautiful however it can lose it's charm after awhile! Spring will be a blessed event for so many this year!

Miriam said...

Oh, you must be getting tired of this! Stay warm and dry - spring will be here soon!

Jill of All Trades said...

Yes we've seen that here too. So ready for it to be gone, pretty stuff but be gone please. Have a great day.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely, Jo! Your geese look happy together.

I hope y'all enjoyed the private, snug, warmth of the fireside.

We awoke to a dusting of snow but it won't last long. What is up with all this snow in the South??


roxie said...

Bless your dear heart. Sending warm thoughts to all you folks in the cold. Stay safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't believe how real your geese look, if i did not know already i would think, poor geese out there in the snow

John Going Gently said...

thatphoto is one of your best

Susan Freeman said...

I am trying my best to send some warmer, drier weather your way! Stay warm and cozy my friend. How is sweet Oliver doing today??

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Jo!! I can't believe how many times you've gotten 'clobbered' by snow! I am officially ready for spring...being a snow lover, this is hard for me to admit! :-)

I hope you're feeling well, and I so hope that Oliver is too--Let us know!!! Healing thoughts continue in your direction!!

Kipling said...

Just popping into see how you are all doing? Sorry to read of your loss and Oli's poor health. Please keep warm and safe in all that snow and ice.

jerilanders said...

The snow missed us this time, thank goodness. It was actually so warm yesterday, we cut brush and a few cedar trees to build arbors> Spring will be here, quick as a lick!