I collected Oliver from the Veterinary Hospital this morning, healing nicely, and the staff bragged endlessly on his loving personality.
I'll have my work cut out since he is used to being both an indoor and outdoor cat, I have to confine him for another two weeks, and he is already showing his disapproval.
What a handsome boy, and what welcome news. I hope he makes peace with his temporary confinement indoors - maybe all that snow you're getting will make him think twice about wanting to be outdoors!
Dear Oliver, so glad he is home recovering. Patients always want to go faster than their healing bodies will let them. I have had three bad falls over the last month, the last one a few days ago and now I am hobbling around because I think I can do what I could do before, and am finding that I just can't. Give Oliver a big hug from me. Denise xxx
So glad you have your beloved cat back- a house isn`t a home without a cat in it !
Aw, what happened to him? Such a sweetie!!!
I am glad he is home and ok.
What a face!!!
ohh what alovely photo!!:))))
That has to be such a relief, Jo! Poor Oliver, 2 more weeks, it will be tough, but hopefully all will be well and he will stay out of fights.
I'm relieved he looks so well, Jo. I take it most of the injury was to the leg. I hope that is the last he sees of that cat. I hope you were able to find out who's cat it was. Probably another male. Give him a hug for me. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
How wonderful, Oliver is home! Awful that he's got to be indoors, but then he'll be fine after showing you his displeasure.
So glad you have your FurBaby back home. He really is a very handsome chap. He does have the sweetest face.
Suzie in Idaho
I hope Oliver feels better real soon.
What a handsome kitty.
He does look like he's waiting for the moment he can make a dash to the outdoors! So happy he's home and doing OK!
Hi, Oliver! Glad you are home. You could always hibernate for a cuppla weeks. That's what I'm doing.
Bless his little kittie heart! I'm so glad he's back home. Oliver you are one special fellow and well loved. You hurry up and get well!
Thats great Oliver is finally home were he belongs . Have a great day !
It is hard on them when they are used to going out, but he will adjust. My Charlie had a cone on and open sores on his back side so I was strictly forbidden to let him out. When the 10 days was up and he was sufficiently healed, off came the cone and next he went out. He was really ready to go out, even though it was so cold. I actually did let him outside with his cone on, but kept him confined to the screen porch. I set a bench by the edge of the porch, so he could sit on it and look out. The fresh air did him good and seemed to satisfy him until he had recuperated. In the meantime, I gave him lots of extra loving.
Motorboat here Ollie, mind if I call you Ollie, glad to see you are home and much better. Don't worry to much about staying indoors for 2 more weeks. I live indoors all the time. It's been nice since it has been so cold outside. Come over and visit sometime. See you soon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I'm glad Oliver's home, and I hope you can keep him content so that the next two weeks go by quickly.
Poor baby! My four are sending thoughts of tummy rubs, catnip, and canned tuna.
Oh no poor Oliver. So pleased he is back home with Mum♥ Get well soon Oliver xxxx
Oliver is happy at home...
So glad that Oliver is home. He must have been badly injured. Cats are quite hard to contain when they are used to going out. We have 3 here at the Garden Spot and I am quite surprised that they have remained healthy and safe, for they are in and out all day. With fox, hawks, and other cats, they have to wise and quick. Welcome home Oliver.
Jo, I'm so glad that your boy is home!! That leg injury looks pretty serious, so I hope your patient cooperates!
OH HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL..hope he heals quickly...my herd are all kept in...the last two we rescued werent initially happy about that, but they learned theyre pampered and safe inside. love your blog
Oh, bless Oliver's heart and right front leg! Hope he heals quickly.
Good luck convincing Oliver that he cannot go outside for a while. Cats sometimes won't listen to reason!
oliver looks great as always and does not look like his hospital stay changed his looks. his sweet little paw in its brace made me tear up. we had to keep baby girl inactive and away from Jake for 2 weeks. when we took her out we had to walk her leash only and slowly, not a fun time for sure. hope Oliver is 100 percent soon.
Oh, it's so good that Oliver is home. He'll get used to being inside, hopefully. Especially when he finds out about all of the loving and special treats that cats who stay indoors get.
Poor little Oliver.. Glad he is home and healing. What a sweet little face.
Good to see Oliver home and doing well
An Arkies Musings
I must have missed the post about what happened to Oliver! I am so glad he is home and doing well. He is so photogenic...what a puss!
Tina xo
Ahh...I always feel waves of relaxation come when I arrive here and hear that lilting and inviting music.
Well, Oliver may be displeased but he certainly looks the picture of comfort even so.
Welcome home Oliver!
Here's to a speedy recovery!
Hugs for sweet Oliver!!
Susan and Bentley
He looks so happy, welcome home Oliver.
Oh sweet boy. I'm glad he's home!
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