Saturday, February 19, 2011

Awakening Days

The warmer weather we were afforded this past week, has forced the Iris shoots to poke through the soil.
I trust they know that Winter is not yet over.

The bird feeders have been a flurry of activity, and I've witnessed Spring cleaning of the birdhouses. A busy little Carolina Wren, with her beak full of feathers, moss and sticks, flinging it all so recklessly with little regard for it's former tenant.

The flowers I keep inside brighten my Winter days and pacify my need, until the garden will once again be bursting with life.

"Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart."~ Victor Hugo


DJan said...

And you, dear friend, will ALWAYS be bristling with activity and beautiful posts. Thank you for being there.

Patsy said...

I feel the same way and I know we have to get more cold but hope no snow.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

Sharon said...

The birds really have been busy, haven't they? Maybe this next cold spell will be the last?

roxie said...

Ahh, the sap is rising. May your spring be perfect this year!

Country Gal said...

Lovely post and photos . How is Oliver doing! Our Miggy is doing well after her surgery ! Hope you have a great day !

Christine said...

Hang in there Jo, spring is truly on it's way! Maybe the cold won't seem so bad if there's no more snow.

George said...

I was amazed at how much growth has popped up in our yard in the past couple of days. Even the roses are sending out new growth. I can only hope they know what they are doing!

David Macaulay said...

Glad it's getting warmer - it is here, tooo

Deb said...

Waiting patiently here, too. My love to Oliver. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

Iota said...

It's felt like a long winter, but I suspect spring can't quite be here yet.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this nice post 111213

Paula said...

Our daffs are pushing up through the soil here...and I always worry about them when they show up so early. This bit of milder weather has played a little trick on them, I'm afraid!

Barbara Anne said...

The birds in our part of Virginia are also convinced that spring is almost here. They are pairing up, claiming nesting spots, bird houses, and house eaves as if it is early April. What's up?

Love the new pictures at the top of your blog!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photo of the pitcher of flowers. you header is devine. really really like it a lot

Verde Farm said...

It has been warm here too and a few trees have budded out and I’m afraid they will get a frost bite back for sure. I am so ready for spring. Your header is so beautiful!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, YES---I worry some about all of the spring flowers trying to pop up.. I keep thinking about the 2007--when we had a early spring and then a horrible freeze for about 5 days killed everything the first of April. Hope that doesn't happen this year.

Have a wonderful day.