Friday, January 28, 2011

Goosey, Goosey, Gander

Earlier in the week, as snow lay freshly-fallen on the ground, I introduced Wilbur, the antique goose decoy given to us by our daughter as a Christmas gift.
I felt sorry for Wilbur he looked lonely and needed a mate, and so I took on the mission of finding him one.

Arriving from almost 1700 miles away in Wyoming, Wilbur's mate arrived today.
None the worse for her flight and eager to show off her fine plumage, meet Henrietta.

Wilbur is one happy goose.

As nightfall fell we had an unexpected visit from an old friend, Opie the Opossum. Forever foraging the cat food bowl , and taking his usual "Possum" stance as I clicked away with the camera.


George said...

I hope Wilbur and Henrietta get along well. They do make a handsome couple. I'm not sure I would say Opie is handsome, but you got a couple of great pictures.

Sharon said...

Having two geese there is more likely to draw geese, maybe throw some corn down, like they are eating.

Opie - I wouldn't get too close to him/her those claws look nasty!

Mary Lou said...

I used to have geese just like that. I love them. O'possums are so weird. Good photos!
Stay warm!

Christine said...

Jo, what a cute couple Wilbur and Henrietta make. As for Opie, he's so darn adorable. Can't help myself, I love all critters. Opposums are really nice little animals.

DJan said...

Henrietta is adorable, and a perfect mate for Wilbur. I don't like that scary looking possum, though!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

How many an animal's journey of 1700 miles and doing it again every year ...

David Macaulay said...

wow - look at these guys. Tennessee looks like Siberia, all of a sudden.

Barbara Anne said...

Wilbur is lucky to have been your gift or he'd still be lonely. Life is so much better when you have a travelling companion. All the best to Wilbur and Henrietta!

You may keep Opie in TN. Interesting, yes. Cute, not so much.

The Shepherd's Pie was yummy! Ta!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the geese are amazing, so life like and Opie is beyond adorable

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, Wilbur and Henrietta make an adorable couple... They look amazing out there in your yard... Wonder if they'll be 'friends' with Opie?????? ha

Susan Freeman said...

My Mom has geese in her yard every day. We have been feeding them for years. They will come up to us and bring their little ones. They are our little treasures. Opie sure is cute. If Beatrix were still alive, she would be sketching Opie and creating a little tale about him!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

Stella Jones said...

Love the new goose! You're as soft as me, feeling sorry for the other one! I even feel sorry for the teddies left over after Christmas in the stores...!
Glad to see your opossum is surviving the winter snow and cold. He looks very cuddly but I've been told to leave them well alone, for some reason?
You've taken some great pictures of Olie.

cheshire wife said...

They make a lovely couple. How long until they have a family?

DeniseinVA said...

Is that a big smile on Wilbur's face I see? Looks like Opie has one too. Super photos Jo, and how many cups of tea have you had today? I'm heading for my umpteenth right now. You never know when that electricity is going to go off again, hopefully not for a good long time though. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said... Wilbur has a mate...he no longer looks so forlorn and lonely there on the grass...Never saw an opossum so close...nice shots!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Star: I am able to get within a foot of the possum, both the mother and baby are so used to seeing me out on the deck, they make no effort to leave.
However, the have BIG teeth, and so I would never attempt to touch one.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh..such beautiful animals!!:)))

think you live in a lovely place that can catch all this beauty))

Many thanx for comments on my blog..iam very very tired of winthere..and it is still not over..but the flowers are coming up and there is a slightly change in the weathere and air:)))

Unknown said...

They look lovely together!
I am sure they will stay for a long time....
I have never seen an opossum! Such a cutie!

xoxo V.

roxie said...

Oh, what a sweet Canadian couple in their grey down jackets!

Do be careful about opie, though. Possums carry fleas and ticks that carry lyme diesase. rabies and other, lesser unpleasant illnesses. And they will bite.

Heritage Farm Village said...

ohhh the little possum is so cute! someone blogged about one the other day and so many were negative about those creatures. so glad your heart is where it should be. your geese seem very happy!
jill :-)