Friday, January 21, 2011


Mother Nature left her calling card once again yesterday evening.
Within an hour of the snow falling, the landscape was completely transformed, the sky silenced.
With temperatures predicted below the freezing mark, it's a day of pot-roast simmering and nesting.

Oh, what a goodly and a glorious show;
The stately trees have decked themselves with white,
And stand transfigured in a robe of light;
Wearing for each lost leaf a flake of snow.
~ Richard Wilton (1827–1903)


Stella Jones said...

Looks like we're not finished with winter yet. I don't see snow here yet but so far I have not checked the weather forecast!
Enjoy your hotpot~

Jill of All Trades said...

Pretty. I don't mind as long as I don't have to venture out. A warm fire and cup of tea, I'm happy.

Betsy Brock said...

Up here in Ohio, too! It's 15 below with the windchill and school is cancelled because of how deep the snow is! I think a simmering roast sounds perfect!

Barbara Anne said...

What a lovely view you have!

I love a snowy winter so I can enjoy all things cozy, warm, and contemplative. The garden will be calling soon, but for now the only reasonable course is books, garden catalogs, and day-dreams! Enjoy!!


Deb said...

I really think this kind of weather is meant for us to slow down and look at our lives but where I live we have it for 4 months and who has time to slow down that long. Enjoy your day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have certainly had your share of snow this year, this means my son is having it also, he lives in TN and has had more snow this year than in the 5 years they have lived there.

Susan Freeman said...

Our temps have been higher and we have lots of rain. I think I would prefer the snow. Pot roast and nesting ~ how perfect!!

Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley

DeniseinVA said...

I enjoyed the poem and photo very much Jo. We had a slight dusting of snow last night. We're getting off lightly so far this winter. Have a great day my friend. Keep the tea on the hob ;) I am heading for a cuppa right now.

roxie said...

Ahh, potroast. I can smell it from here!

Rob said...

I'm super jealous!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo,
Looks like you got the snow that hit Kansas (mostly missed our area) earlier this week. We did the same thing here...I made a pot roast and we enjoyed the fire. Snow can be such a pain but it certainly does make the landscape pretty. I remember getting up in the mornings in British Columbia to the sound of muffled tire chains on the logging trucks going by. It wasn't uncommon to wake up to 2 or 3 feet of snow a few days in a row..sometimes even a week. Next month is usually the heavy snow month for the area I lived in...a great month for skiing and snow-mobiling but also for avalanches. If you hear on the news about an avalanche in BC the chances are it is or was in that area. Now I don't have to put up with snow very often and I don't mind at all. Stay warm and safe Jo..
Maura :)

Christine said...

That beautiful gate looks inviting still in the snow.

Country Gal said...

Pretty photo ! Simmering pot roast on a cold snowy day sounds wonderful and of course a pot of tea as well ! Have a great day !

Sharon said...

We only got about an inch of snow, but it was still a little above freezing when it started falling, so under our blanket of white is a sheet of ice. Hopefully the sun will melt the roads, but it is so cold out now, I think there may be a lot of black ice out there yet, in the shadows. I haven't seen any traffic and it's nice and quiet out there.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I got a similar picture last night of our snow. We didn't get too much up here (only about an inch) --but it was pretty while it lasted. Today the sun is shining --and much of the snow has melted (even though it is bitterly cold).

Winifred said...

Oh heck!

George said...

You got more snow last night than we did, but I'm not complaining. I like both your picture and your poem.

Anonymous said...

Like that gate in the snow picture...and your poem is lovely!

Patsy said...

And there is more to come for us Sunday.

Jen said...

Sometimes I love those kinds of days where I can snuggle up next to a fire with tea and a good read. Enjoy the quiet.

Verde Farm said...

So beautiful. We had a gorgeous snow last night too. I love the kind that covers the tree branches--it’s so pretty :) Enjoy!

The Cottage Wytch said...

What a beautiful blog you have created. It reminds me a place I would visit often as a child (in my day dreams). Blessings, Kimberly

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Very pretty calling card and beautifully captured.

Darryl and Ruth : )