Monday, January 10, 2011

The Snow Storm

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,
And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.
The sled and traveller stopped, the courier's feet
Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed
In a tumultuous privacy of storm.

The Snow Storm ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Country Gal said...

Lovely house ! Yes we have been getting lots of snow here in Southwestern Ontario Canada as well, but today its clear, cold and sunny. I can handle winter days if the sun is out ! Have a warm and wonderful day !

Unknown said...

How appropriate this post is. I never thought much about it, but storms are rather isolating.

Rebecca said...

Didn't it/DOESN'T it take your breath away?!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photo. i do so very much like your home

Stella Jones said...

Hmmm yes we have it too, in Knoxville. Looks pretty doesn't it but I'm glad we went shopping on Thursday!
Your house looks so gorgeous in the snow.
Blessings, Star

Deanna said...

beautiful snow!
We got our snow through the night.

A lovely sight to see,

Marilyn said...

Come see my snow, too. We have a snow day today, so I'm going to linger with some tea INSIDE. I do have to get out though, and scoop some snow later. ♥♫

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Your home looks heavenly!
We are snowed in! 8 incehes so far.
Taking a lot of pics and sitting by the wood stove today. That will be my day! Horses are staying in the barn with lots of yummy hay to munch :)
Keep safe, Jo!
xo, misha

Barbara Anne said...

A winter wonderland and charming abode! What better place to be - after checking on the critters and feeding the birds - than around a warm fireplace?

Our turn in Virginia comes tonight and tomorrow.


Patsy said...

It was so quite and beautiful in early morning.

Susan Freeman said...

I love the snow. Your cottage looks all cozy and snug. Stay warm and put the kettle on!!

Susan and Bentley

Louise said...

I hope you get the kind of snow that you can really enjoy.

Kay said...

Is this your home? It is beautiful.

Unknown said...

But look how gorgeous your home looks in it! As I type this it's snowing here too, I have seen enough snow to last me awhile in the past month!

Unknown said...

Oh, how pretty! I love winter pictures of houses. It makes them all look so cozy and perfect. Even the ragged ones...
This one is close to my dream house. I love a front porch!
I would sit in my rocker, all bundled up, hot toddy in hand, watching the snow falling gently!

KMG said...

Well said!

Unknown said...

I wish you a savety time, nice pic, big hugh Kathrin

Richard Lawry said...

Beautiful snow photo. We are taking a snow day here in Arkansas.

An Arkies Musings

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture! I would love to be snowed in. . . however I will never get snowed in! Still have to show up for work. They will even send out 4 wheel drives to pick me up! Joys of being a nurse I guess!

I love how clean/white the fresh snow is!

Betsy Brock said...

How lovely! I do love snow if the refrigerator is full and the power stays on! LOL!

We're supposed to get 5 inches tomorrow!

Stay warm! :)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I must say, you have a beautiful home...

Best wishes

Verde Farm said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Your home looks so perfect and cozy :)

George said...

It looks as if you got about the same amount of snow that we did. We've certainly kept our fireplace going over the past couple of days.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats on all of your snow, Jo... We have about 4-5 inches up here --and since it's so cold, it will stay with us for awhile...

Beautiful picture of your home in the snow.

L. D. said...

I think that no one would ever hate snow once they see it and walk in it. I know that I will be shoveling a lot tomorrow but it is actually great to be out in it.

Margaret said...

....and more on the way. Thank goodness, I have a reliable snow plow person to do our long driveway!

Jen said...

You have a GORGEOUS home. I love porches in the front. It looks so homey. The snow keeps coming on our home front, too. I'm always grateful for the respite from gardening during the winter months because it psyches me up to garden again come spring. Thank you, too, for your beautiful music. It's a great calming addition to remind me to slow down, and enjoy the moment. - Miss Daisy

Iota said...

Gosh, your house looks like The Waltons' home!

It's beautiful.