Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter Silence

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the
landscape - the loneliness of it - the dead feeling of winter.
Something waits beneath it - the whole story doesn't show."

~ Andrew Wyeth


Sharon said...

Great minds - I just posted a winter sunset with trees! LOL! Very lonely looking, for sure!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo,
Bare bones...that's what it looks like around here. Now that the large building that we sold has been taken down it seems even more bare out there. I know it will look better once they take away all the beams and clean up and we plant grass next spring. But it's definitely bare out there. Come on spring! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Maura :)

floweringmama said...

There is something about the bare bones and the structure of the landscape when the leaves are gone for the winter.

That is a beautiful quote.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Nice shot of the bone structure.

Darryl and Ruth : )

matron said...

I find winter too cold and miserable,but there is truth in the quote.Today I found the first Snowdrop and the Daffodils are pushing up through the frosty soil,so what lies beneath the wintery soil will soon erupt into glorious colour,roll on spring.!!

Clint said...

Funny, but the older I get, the more I see the beauty and solitude and stillness in winter. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

Rob said...

That looks lovely. Serene. If only Florida had that same "dead feeling of Winter". I do miss a good winter.

Louise said...

What a lovely picture, and apt quote.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Morning Jo, You got snow this morning? We have quite a bit --1.5 inches or so.. AND--it's cold... Glad we don't have to go out today!!!!!

Beautiful winter picture... By the way, did you see any of those dead birds in your area? I know they said that they were found near Highway 70 in Lebanon... Scary!

Have a great day. Stay WARM.

Barbara Anne said...

I also love the uplifting tree branches bare in winter! This morning all are cloaked in the snow that fell overnight. Lovely!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is very beautiful, i would love to walk across the bridge and listen to the silence

Patsy said...

I would love to be in the center of that photo and enjoying the silence.

George said...

I really like your photo and quote, but right now I feel as if I've experienced enough winter for a while!

Sharon Rose said...

I love the way you wrote that. It's kinda like nature is naked and we see what is beneath all the clothing of leaves and blooms.

We realize, that even naked, nature and the wonder of it all, is breath-taking and beautiful.

Sharon Rose said...

Oh, and I stayed for a moment because the music was comforting and it's been a while since I allowed it to soak into my soul.

Thanks, JO

Verde Farm said...

I love this verse. Bare bones is a great way to describe it and I find it comforting too. You can see the foundation and the simplicity is comforting to me. Great picture :)