Sunday, December 26, 2010

Visions Of Sugar Mice Dance In His Head

No longer able to withstand the festivites, and many sniffs of cat-nip later
Oliver ops for a cat nap.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a fun picture of your boy! I do hope you've had a wonderful holiday!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am smiling at such a 'deer' cat.

Louise said...

Oh no! Poor Oliver, he's going to have a heck of a hangover. Don't forget that one of the tried and true remedies is a little of the hair of the dog, errrr cat of the nip, that bit you.

karen said...

Sweet baby with the antlers....I'd like to join Oliver. It's been fun... a cat nap seems appropriate for today. Hope you're enjoying the snow.

Unknown said...

Your blog is so elegant, warm and inviting, I think you have quite a feel for creating an atmosphere, alas a gift I do not seem to have lol. Beautiful as always!

Barbara Anne said...

How completely charming is Oliver in his happy slumber and reindeer hat! Our cats got some catnip for Christmas, too!

The snow continues to fall here in Virginia.

Happy Boxing Day!


Sharon said...

I have never seen a cat that is so compliant with our nonsense, that he will go to sleep with a hat or something on!

Really cute!

DJan said...

I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as it seemed to be on your blog, and what in the world is on your kitty's head? :-)

Stella Jones said...

I'm surprised he let you put those antlers on his head! Must have been well asleep to let you do that!
Blessings, Star

A Brit in Tennessee said...

A Brit in Tennessee said...
Kim: Thank you, we did have a lovely Christmas, as I hope he and your 'gang' did also :)

Sandra: He is such a 'deer'
Doesn't mind wearing anything on his head, and sleeps throughout.

Louise: I shall remind him of your suggestion..'Hair of the Dog'

Maggie's Garden: I confess to joining him today, a perfect day for napping.

Laura: How sweet, I'm off to visit your place as we speak.

Barbara Anne: Do you have a blog ?
I would love to sit and visit awhile.
Stay warm ! More snow forecast for your area.

Sharon: I put the hat on before he went to sleep, he laid down, and slept with it on....
He's a funny puss :)

DJan: Why it's his antlers ;)
He didn't want to get left out of Santa's sleigh ride.

Star: No not asleep when I first placed them on his head, but laid down afterwards and snoozed. Most cats would try and get them off, not Oliver ;)

December 26, 2010 4:11

Patsy said...

Sweet and funny!

Hilary said...

I'm with Oliver. Time for a nap.

Ann Summerville said...

What a cute picture. I always pop on over to your blog when I want a little taste of "cozy"

Vicki said...

What a sweet photo! Your blog is beautiful....Happy New Year to you and your kitty...

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Seasons greetings,
sweet and lovely !

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Oliver I am right there with you sweetie! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas Jo and I wish you and yours the very best New Year's ever!
Tina xo

Verde Farm said...

Oh so precious. I bet he was dreaming of all the wonderful Christmas goodies and tuna :) LOL